19: No Sane Lad Plays t'e Bloody Piccolo

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Friday, October 29th, 7:18 PM

"I'm glad yer comin' ta see me tonight," Robin said, jumping into a pair of gray dress pants.

Jeremy grinned at him from where he was sitting at the end of the bed playing on a Gameboy. "Even though you weren't even the one who told me that it was happening and I had to ask you about it for you to invite me."

"Aye!" Robin whined. "I didn't t'ink ya'd wanna. It's gonna be an hour o' people performin' old jazz music fer a grade."

"Of course I wanna come see you, Babu! I've never seen you play before. Even if old jazz isn't really my thing, you definitely are."

He sighed as he tucked a wife beater into his pants. "Sounds like yer sweet on me, Shorty."

Jeremy rolled his eyes, a smirk pulling at his lips. "I can't imagine why you'd think that."

Robin smiled, plucking the Gameboy out of his hand and throwing it onto Nicole's bed before pushing Jeremy back and pressing his lips against his.

"I was gonna beat that level," Jeremy grumbled against his lips.

"Ya can beat it later," Robin said, planting light kisses all the way down Jeremy's neck and sucking a hickey above the neckline of his shirt.

"Babu..." he mumbled, running his hands through Robin's hair. "We're about to go into public..."

"And? I've given ya worse."

Jeremy grinned at this and tugged on his hair a little to guide Robin's mouth back up to meet his. "You wanna go perform in front of a bunch of people with your neck all bruised up?"

Robin chuckled, shrugging a little. "I wouldn't mind."

"No?" Jeremy asked, tilting his head and fisting his hand in Robin's hair to help bring his head down to where he could reach his neck. Robin groaned, dropping his forehead onto Jeremy's shoulder and letting him leave a soft trail of kisses towards his shoulder before leaving a few hickeys.

Jeremy brought his thigh up between Robin's legs, brushing it against the tent in his pants and making him let out a soft moan. He grinned at this and took his skin between his teeth, biting him gently.

One of Robin's hands snaked around to the nape of Jeremy's neck, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at his curls. There was a subtle cough near the door and Jeremy froze, knowing for a fact that Robin had heard Nicole come in.

"Mind detachin' yerself from Robbie's neck? Yer a bloody vampire, I swear it."

Jeremy pulled back, looking at the marks already forming on Robin's neck and grinned at her. "Damage is already done."

"Yer nasty ."

"It makes him happy."

Robin nodded, climbing off the bed and collecting the rest of his outfit. "He ain't wrong, Nic."

Nicole made a loud gagging noise. "I didn't need ta know dat." She glared between them for a moment but an evil smile quickly spread across her face. "Could ya taste t'e bacon cheese burger Robbie ate for dinner earlier?"

" Nicole !" Robin barked, yanking on a strand of her hair.

"Dat feckin' hurt, ya gobshite!" she yelled, slapping his arm.

Jeremy looked at Robin with his best sad eyes. "You ate a moo?"

"Baby , " Robin groaned, glaring at Nicole before making his way to Jeremy and sitting at the edge of the bed with him. "Ya know I try so hard not ta eat t'e meat 'round ya, but I'm a growin' lad 'n I have ta 'ave a burger sometimes."

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