19: Ya're Gonna Burn Yer Fingies Off, Love

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Saturday, October 30th, 8:38 PM

Waverly unlocked her dorm door, pushing it open and letting Nicole in before closing it behind her. "Alright," she said as she kicked her shoes off and grabbed two bottles of water out of the mini fridge and a bag of pretzels off the counter. She plopped down on the floor next to the bag of clothes and mountain of supplies. "Let's do this."

"What'm I doin'?" Nicole questioned as she sat in front of her.

"Uh-unh." Waverly pointed to her bed. "You're not helping."

Nicole's brow furrowed. "Why not?"

"Cause I have a vision for how all of these costumes are gonna go, and I don't want you to mess it up."

Nicole chuckled a little. "I ain't gonna mess any o' yer shite-"

"Baby," Waverly pleaded. "I'm sorry, but I have really bad anxiety when it comes to these things- That's why I hate group projects." She scooted towards her and took her face in her hands. "You can sit up there on my bed and look pretty, though."

"Waverly Earp, you said, 'n I quote," Nicole paused, mustering up her best Waverly accent. " Sweetheart, can you pretty please stay up with me tonight to help make everyone's Halloween costumes after I get off work?"

Waverly glared at her after hearing how high, whiny, and stereotypically American she made her voice sound. "I do not sound like that."

Nicole rolled her eyes with a smile. "Yes, ya do."

"Bub!" She whined, smacking her arm.

"Aye, I'm jus' sayin' . . . What'd ya want me over fer if ya ain't want me help?"

"I wanted you to keep me company," she mumbled with a pouted lip and puppy dog eyes, dropping her hands to rest on the tops of her thighs.

Nicole let out a sigh, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips before getting up off the floor and moving to her bed. "I guess I can do dat."

Waverly giggled with a little clap, scooting back and pulling the first thing out of the bag of clothes- a red t-shirt. "Don't get comfy yet, I need your body."

"Ya've got permission ta use me body however ya see fit," Nicole smirked.

Waverly threw her a look as she stood up. "Down, Tiger. I just have to measure for your crop top."

"Me what?" Nicole asked with wide eyes.

"Your crop top!" Waverly grinned. "Stand up and take your shirts off."

"I like where dis is headed," the redhead mumbled, getting up and slipping her jean jacket off, tossing it on the bed behind her.

"Perv," Waverly laughed, helping her undo the buttons of her flannel and pulling it off of her. "Ok, put this on." She handed her the red shirt, turning and bending down to grab out of the box of safety pins, throwing a glare over her shoulder when Nicole smacked her ass.

"I didn't do nothin'," she huffed, pulling the shirt on.

Waverly rolled her eyes and shook her head, putting the safety pins in between her lips to hold as she smoothed the shirt out. "Let's see . . ."

"Why t'e feck do I gotta be in a crop top?" Nicole grumbled as Waverly grabbed one from her lips and stuck it in the front of her shirt a little higher than the midpoint between her belly button and her boobs.

"Because!" She grabbed all the pins out of her mouth. "Winnie the Pooh's shirt looks like a crop top on him!"

Nicole smiled softly at her, shaking her head. "I can't believe ya convinced me ta be Pooh Bear."

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