28: Did I Hear T'reesome

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Thursday, November 11th, 1993 11:26 AM

"What t'e fuck now?" Robin groaned, grabbing the phone for the third time since he'd gotten home from work less than an hour before. "What?"

He glanced at Jeremy who was laying on his chest half-asleep while they watched some movie that Kennedy had loaned them after insisting that it was incredibly important for all mankind to view at some point in their lives.

Jeremy tilted his head a little, looking at him with tired eyes. "Who is it?"

"It's fer ya." Robin handed him the phone and Jeremy frowned, sitting up in Robin's lap and putting the phone to his ear.

"Hiya Jer Bear," Fish's voice rang through the phone.

"What?" Jeremy asked in almost the same annoyed tone that Robin had used.

"Why are you both so grumpy?" he teased. "Trouble with the mister?"

Jeremy shifted a little and looked at Robin. "Nope. I'm just tired of hearing your voice already."

"Rude," Fish grumbled, though Robin grinned at him. "Listen, I don't want you to worry, because everything's fine, but we really need you to meet us at Nina's in half an hour. It's urgent."

Nina's was the family owned restaurant all the way around the corner from the boys' home that all the high school kids would go to on dates and after hockey games.

"That's, like, a forty five minute walk and it's fucking freezing outside."

Fish sighed into the phone and Levi's voice could be heard from far away. "Well... can't you just drive?"

"My car broke down on the drive to the dorms on the first day of the semester," Jeremy reminded. "And you know I don't have the money to get it fixed."

"Ya have a car?" Robin asked, obviously confused at this new information.

Jeremy nodded a little. "It's in the parking lot outside."

"Borrow Waverly's then."

"She's asleep and I don't wanna deal with waking her up," Jeremy said. He frowned deeply as he thought about his options. "Can't we just go to the campus diner."

Fish said something with the receiver covered so that Jeremy couldn't hear him before returning. "No, sorry. It's gotta be Nina's."

He groaned, running a hand through his hair. "I guess if you make it an hour, maybe we can make it."

"Sick, see you then. Remember, it's important."

"Yeah, yeah."

12:32 PM

"I'm gonna kill them both," Jeremy groaned, crossing his arms. "They could have easily come and picked us up."

"Why didn't ya suggest dat den?" Robin asked, tugging his gray beanie further over his ears. His cheeks were red with cold despite the sweater and ugly orange coat he was wearing.

"I didn't think about it!" Jeremy said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I can't believe they're late. It takes a couple minutes to drive here from their apartment."

"Bold of you to assume we drove," Levi grumbled, appearing from around the side of the building with Fish trailing behind me.

Fish shook his head, pulling the door of the restaurant open for everyone. "I suggested that we should walk since you had to walk and now he won't talk to me."

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