6: I'm Gonna Have Ta Ask Ya Ta Not Do Dat

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Thursday, October 7th, 1993 6:47 AM

Jeremy found himself up early again Thursday even though he didn't have any classes to attend. His mind had been so occupied with catching up on flashcards and worrying about his last English essay that Jolene had decided no one had done well on, because he couldn't risk it dropping his grade lower than .3 points in order to keep his GPA up. At least he woke up in his bed rather than in the library this time.

He showered and got ready close to seven, hardly noticing or caring that at some point in the very limited amount of time he'd been asleep that night, his roommate had managed to bring a girl home without him noticing. Something in Jeremy suspected that by the way she was snuggling so close to his roommate, she thought she was the only girl he had brought into their dorm over the last few weeks.

Jeremy didn't want to stay to see how their morning would play out, so he chose instead to grab his things and leave the building to go for a walk. While he walked, he found his notebook filled with orders for flashcards and counted up how many stacks he needed to finish by the end of the day. After not working on them during lunch the day before and then helping Fish out after class, he had finished half the amount he'd meant to, meaning his day off was going to be packed.

After taking a short walk around a bit of the campus, he found himself heading towards the Muffin Man like he normally did. This time, though, he was not looking for doughnuts and coffee, instead, stopping in front of the empty alley for a moment. He felt a sad twinge in his chest, knowing that another reason he hadn't been able to sleep was because he couldn't stop replaying the events from the morning before over and over in his mind.

Something in him was hoping for a repeat of those events just so he could feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement that he hadn't allowed himself to feel in a long time.

He tightened his grip on his satchel and turned around to head inside of the bakery.

"Ya know, Jer, dis seems ta be bordering on loiterin'," Robin said, crossing his arms.

Jeremy jumped, finding himself with his face nearly in Robin's chest. "What are you doing?" he asked nervously.

Robin chuckled and swung the bag of trash he had been carrying over his shoulder, walking past Jeremy. "I'm doing me job, Shorty," he smirked, throwing it into the dumpster at the end of the alley. "Mind answerin' me t'e same question?"

"I-I was just..." Jeremy trailed. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a shaky breath, trying not to make eye contact with Robin.

"Yer biting dat lip again," Robin said, casting him a kind smile. "I didn't mean ta scare ya, jus' so ya know... well, I did a wee bit, but not ta be an arse or anyting."

"I know..." Jeremy said, leaning against the wall. "I just didn't expect to see you, I guess."

"Ya ain't disappointed, I hope."

Jeremy immediately shook his head. "No! I mean..." he paused and took a breath. "No. Definitely not."

Robin peered back into the building through the glass windows at the front. "Well, I don't have any classes today, so I've gotta work 'till ten. If you've gotta get ta an 8 a.m. class, don't wait up."

"I wasn't planning on it," Jeremy quipped back, not wanting him to think that he was expecting to be walked to class or something. "I don't have classes today either. I normally sit in and work on flashcards on Thursdays."

Robin smiled. "Do ya?"

"I have since spring midterms last year."

"I guess dat gives me an excuse ta come up ta t'e front more often." Robin smirked as he opened the door and walked inside.

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