13: I Will Hobble Meself Outta 'ere

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Tuesday, October 12th, 1993 8:42 AM

Nicole stared up at her ceiling, continuing to rack through the thoughts in her brain much like she had been doing for the past half hour. Before she had left Waverly's dorm on Saturday, the brunette promised her that she would not only call her when she got to Purgatory the next day so she knew she made it there ok but also that she would call her when they got home Monday night.

She had gotten the call on Sunday, but not the call on Monday.

So, quite frankly, she was a little concerned.

Nicole had a couple of scenarios playing through her mind of what could have happened. One. They got home the night before and Waverly had been too tired to call and was still asleep this morning since she didn't have classes on Tuesdays. Two. Waverly simply forgot, meaning that Nicole was already far more invested in whatever was going on between them. And three.

She hadn't made it back to campus alright.

The redhead quickly sat up, letting out a groan as she rubbed her palms into her eyes to try and rid the images of multiple scenarios of that realm that flashed through her brain. Her heart sped up, beating against her ribs as her muscles tightened all over her body. A jolt of pain shot through her right leg and shoulder with it, and she dropped a hand to her knee with a wince as she rolled her shoulder around a little. She knew there was a panic attack coming on and that there was only one way to stop it.

Nicole huffed, grabbing her leg and moving it over the side of the bed as she turned her body and got up. "Bloody Christ," she groaned, stumbling forward the second she put weight on her bad leg. She pushed herself upright after bracing herself against the nightstand, quickly dropping back onto her bed and grabbing her knee brace off the floor. She strapped it on and grabbed her crutches off the wall next to her, using them to help her up and slipping her arms in them to get her over to her closet so she could pull some clothes on. She threw a sweatshirt on over the tank top she slept in, muttering a slew of curses as she got a pair of jeans on. She tugged a random white beanie over her hair that she didn't feel like brushing, squirting a dot of toothpaste on her finger and wiping it on her tongue for some more half-assed hygiene, then plopping on the bed to yank her shoes on. The redhead grimaced and swallowed it down after she stood back up off her bed, making her way over to the door and heading out, hauling herself over to the elevator to get herself to the third floor.

Her heart continued to thump in her chest as she shot glares at the students that looked at her weird as she crutched along. She pulled in a breath when she came to a halt outside Chrissy and Waverly's dorm and gave the door a knock. Her brows furrowed in worry, and she ran her thumb over the screw at the end of the handle on her crutch, letting out a small breath of relief when the door came open.

Chrissy flicked her eyes up and down the redhead for a split second, giving her a small attempt at a smile as she stepped out of the room, pulling the door closed behind her with a sigh. "Hey . . ."

"What's wrong?" Nicole immediately questioned, backing up a step. "First, s-she didn't call me last night, 'n now yer all . . . not Chrissy like."

The blonde leaned back against the door, running her hands up and down her tired face a few times. "Waves had a bad night . . . and now a bad morning."

"Why?" The redhead asked worriedly.

"Cause . . . We got home and were unpacking, whatever, and she checked the phone for the voicemails we got while we were gone." Chrissy dropped her hands, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Her sister called a few hours before we got home- Wynonna did. And she's upset she missed it cause they haven't talked since last Christmas."

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