Chapter Thirty - Four

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Why is this red light taking so long?

I glance at my watch and exhale, placing two fingers on my wrist. I'm having trouble finding my pulse (not that I ever found it) but I know it's fast. I'm nervous and sweaty and my brain is pounding painfully. And I can't hear anything in my left ear.

Crap, am I deaf?

No, the radio is off.

I'm going to take my father's advice and... Logan's.

Just don't tell them.

I'm forcing myself to apologize to Victoria. And believe me, I'm not so sure I should. I still think she started it. She came to the school with a plan to take me down. And I wasn't so nice either, I know. I shouldn't have said or done those things. She shouldn't have either. I doubt she'll apologize. So I will take the high road. I expect a kick or slap, maybe spit. And lots of rumors. Lots of them.

It takes me a minute to realize I'm at the school parking lot. I pull into a parking spot and park. I think it'll be best to park near the cameras. In case someone decides to key my car.

Surprisingly, there aren't a lot of people outside.

I expected the news and I guess what people call the "paparazzi" but I only see students and some adults entering the school. No one's at the picnic tables or the bus drop-off space.

According to my watch, there is a good twenty minutes before the first period.

I think about yelling out "hello" in the hallway. I bet it'd echo with how empty it is.

I quickly whip out my phone and text Carter and Julian. Julian texts "gym" and Carter sends a shrugging emoji. I sigh but quickly walk to the gym. Upon opening the door, I almost trip at how full it is. Almost everyone's eyes glance at me as I slowly walk inside to search for a familiar face. Carter smiling widely, jumps up from his spot, shaking his hips from side to side and waving me over. I pause, quickly searching the stands for the less embarrassing Julian. Unfortunately, he is covering his face from beside Carter. Sighing, I slowly walk up the steps and take a seat beside Carter's beaming face.

"Hey!" Carter places his arm on my shoulder, "How is it going for my buddy today?"

"Huh?" I make a face. He's never called me "buddy".

Julian sighs. "I said act normal, Carter. Not like a little child." Julian glances at me apologetically.

"I'm trying," Carter mutters from the side of his lips, smiling widely at me. "Can't you see how skinny and sick he looks?" Carter's lips widen.

Julian looks away, his shoulders shaking in what I assume is silent laughter.

"Don't smile like that, man. It's scary." I shrug off his arm. "I'm okay." I smile, looking down at my perfectly picked outfit. "Nikki and I are..." I smile. "We're kinda going out."

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