Chapter Twenty - Eight

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"Kno - ck."

"N - o."

"Do it!"

"I don't respond to yelling." I cross my arms over my chest and look away from Julian, faking a hurt expression.

Julian slaps his face, sighs, and knocks his head against the front door. "You promised me a favor. And this is my favor." He looks up at me. "Do it or I'll make you cover my next shift."

"Can you do that?"

"I don't know!" He throws his hands up in the air. "Just do it!"

"Fine!" Exhaling, I let the knuckles of my hand tap against the front door. Every passing second causes a bead of sweat to roll down my neck. I use my sleeve to wipe it down. Disgusted by the puddle on my sleeve, I pull down the sleeve until it is past my hand and crumble it to a ball. Satisfied by the shape, I fist it in my hands.

"Just be normal, man."

"How can I?" I whisper yell. "You're about to make me apologize to Carter!"

"He's our friend." He stabs my side with his elbow.

I hiss, pretending to be hurt. He doesn't look amused.

"Lucas! And Julian! I haven't seen you in forever!" Mrs. Mason claps her hands in excitement. "Please come in!" She opens the door to let us pass through. Once we are inside, she points us toward the stairs. "Carter's in his room, like always." She mutters under her breath.

Julian and I exchange a look, speaking through our eyes.

She's scary.

Carter's relationship with his parents is... tough. Compared to mine, I've had it easy. His parents were strict with him until he snapped. His grades slipped, he focused on soccer, and stopped listening. They tried to force him to focus on school but he refused. Ever since, they've been trying to make a new baby to "replace" Carter.

It sounds harsh but sadly, I was there when they were yelling. I had to pretend to be in a deep sleep for about an hour.

"I'll make you guys some cookies!"

"There's no need, Mrs. Mason." Julian releases his charming smile, "We don't want to bother you."

"Nonsense!" She shoos us. "Now go on ahead! I have work to do." She cracks her knuckles.

I am quick to make my way up the stairs. Not because I want to apologize to Carter, obviously, I'm just scared of Mrs. Mason.

Julian's steps thunder behind me. I pause at the top as nerves flood my body. Noticing my frozen body, Julian twists the knob until it flies open and crashes against a wall.

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