Chapter 4: Wishes

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(Rose above^)

I groaned as Sasuke raised an eyebrow at me. "Hey Sasuke, how do you do the clone jutsu?" I asked as his eyes widened.

"You don't know the clone jutsu?" He questioned me as I nodded.

"I only know the shadow clone jutsu. I've never heard of a clone jutsu before." His eyes widened like he was staring at an alien.

"S-shadow clones!? But that's an A rank jutsu! No genin can perform that. And even if you could, then just do that and you'll pass." Sasuke said as he glared out the window.

"Coolio. Thanks Sasuke. Oh, by the way, what's up with all the girls here?" I questioned as he sighed slightly.

"Hn." He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Does that mean something? Does that mean like yeah their crazy, or like yeah they're all a bunch of stupid fan girls?" I questioned as he smirked.


I smiled as I played with my goggles, wishing Sasuke and Naruto luck as they went to the testing room. I think I should visit Rose sensei soon...wait, what happens after we make genin? Do we get like teams or something? Ehh I'll just ask Naruto later.

"Hanabusa Jimi."

I slid the door open as I faced Iruka sensei and some other sensei. I could sense an odd malicious intent hidden deep within him.


"Ok hanabusa, just make three clones and you pass. But since you're new actually, just make one." Iruka said as I stared at him with an 'Are you serious' face.

I did the hand signs and in a flash, ten clones stood in a circle around me, solid shadow clones.

"I don't know the clone jutsu, so I did the shadow clone jutsu. Though, my clones are rather...violent.." I muttered as my clones started arguing with each other over ramen or something.

Iruka and the other sensei's jaws were basically on the floor as they stared at me. I slowly walked up, took a head band, dispersed my clones, and booked it out of there.

Naruto was sitting on the swing on the tree outside the academy, his head low as he stared at the ground.

He didn't have a head band...

"Sup Naru." I said as he nodded in acknowledgment but didn't respond.

"I know you didn't pass. But that's ok. I'm sure Iruka sensei will give you a second chance. But this is just one small set back! You'll become hokage for sure!" I said with a bright smile as Naruto stared at me with a confused face.

"Hana. Where are your parents? Don't you want to show them your headband?" Naruto questioned as I chuckled nervously.

"Man. I wish I had parents! But unfortunately, I don't remember them. And trust me, I wish I knew who gave me my awesome red hair! But Naruto, I don't want you to give up. Keep striving forward. You'll become hokage, so don't give up just because of one tiny thing, ok?" I said as I patted him on the back, walking away as I sensed one of the sensei from before behind us.

Hopefully he'll let Naruto have a second chance.

I walked down the street with my hands shoved in my pockets, looking around for something to do.

Suddenly, a familiar Uchiha was spotted, and I smiled to myself.

I ran up to Sasuke and tapped on his shoulder, a confused glance was sent my way.

"Hey Sasuke! Did you pass?" I asked as he smirked.

"Of course I did. I'm not some loser like Naruto." He said as I laughed.

"That 'loser' is gonna be hokage one day. So I'd watch it if I were you." I said with a smile. "So, are you doing anything right now? Wanna get dango or ramen? Or like anything I don't really give a f- I mean I don't mind." I said as Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Are you asking me on a date?" He questioned as I snickered.

"Depends, are you gay?" I asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"I know you're a girl, dobe." He said as I smiled.

"Finally. Someone who could tell. Yes I am a girl, but I'm not asking you on a date. I just wanna hang out. I'm not one of those crazy fangirls." I snickered as he smirked.

"I'm not interested." He said as I shrugged.

"All right then, see yah Sasuke!" I yelled as I jumped onto the roofs and made my way home.

At least one person knows I'm a girl.

I stood on the roof of my apartment, unable to sleep. I stared up at the bright white little stars in the sky, smiling slightly.

I can't sleep when I think too much or have too much on my mind.

I thought about my parents. Who were they? What was my mom like? What was my dad like? I wish I knew. I wish I knew how I even met Rose sensei, or how I got these goggles. Or even the mysterious power I hold.

Rose sensei tells me to not use it. But of course, I don't exactly listen to her all the time.

She tells me it's too dangerous and if my emotions get out of hand I could hurt somebody.

I just wish I had my memories. I wish I remembered everything.

I sat there all night, just staring up at the sky and thinking.

Rose's POV-

I looked out at the whole village, I was sitting on the roof of my brothers house.

I haven't been to the leaf in so long, it almost hurts to look at it again.

This place took so much from me...

My brother...

My future husband...

My cousin...

My whole clan...


And now Hatake doesn't even remember me...

I just hope that Hana gets a better life from here than I did.

Hana's POV-

I slammed my head on the desk over and over, Sasuke staring at me as my headband clinked against the desk.

I had wrapped it around my forehead like the other boys, just cause.

After a few good slams, he placed his hand under my head to stop me.

I looked up at him with a confused face.

"What are you doing, dobe?" Sasuke asked as I fixed my goggles.

"Keeping myself awake and preparing for Naruto. What are we doing here again?" I asked as he sighed.

"Teams. We get our teams today." I made an 'O' face as I watched Naruto burst through the doors.

I wonder who's team I'll be on.

(A/N:) have a beautiful day!

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