Chapter 31: The twin Dragons

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The clashing of metal against metal, a grunt coming from the anbu member.

One swift hit from Kisame's sword, and the anbu was on the ground.

"What's this? Itachi. Look at these." Kisame said as Itachi walked up next to him, the anbu grunting.

"S-stop! Y-you-" The anbu coughed up blood as a sword was drilled through his heart, Itachi sighing.

"What is that seal?" Kisame questioned as Itachi took one scroll.

"This is the Uzumaki clan seal, but this one..." Itachi trailed off as he stared at it.

The seal was a sun, with flames surrounding it.

"This looks like a Jimi clan seal." Itachi said as Kisame smirked.

"Why was an anbu carrying such scrolls?" Kisame questioned as Itachi unsealed them, looking at the writing.

Itachi's eyes widened as his hand shook, Kisame taking one look and gasping.

"T-this is..." Kisame said in disbelief.

"There is no way...we must keep this in our possession. After we complete our mission, we must tell leader immediately." Itachi said as Kisame nodded.

"Looks like we'll be hunting for another jinchuriki."

Hana laid on her bed tiredly as the anbu, Zero, stood next to her.

"Are you alright?" Zero questioned as Hana nodded.

"Yeah, just wondering when those scrolls are going to get here." Hana muttered as Zero nodded.

"Yes, they are taking much longer than they should. Four, take my position, I'll be right back." Zero said as they disappeared, four taking their position.

Hana sighed as she turned over, facing the wall as her eyes started to throb.

Hana grunted as she rubbed her temples, closing her eyes as she sighs.

When Hana opened her eyes, white covered her vision as she covered her mouth.

'Now!? What memory is it going to be now?' Hana thought as she watched the memory play out.

Hana stood on blue water, Sasuke standing across from her.

Hana is much older, maybe 16, her long red hair flowing as she gritted her teeth at Sasuke.

"Sasuke, please!" Hana yelled as Sasuke looked at her with a regretful look.

Hana's point of view changed, the sky now grey as snow fell.

Light flurries of white fall as Hana watched.

Sasuke is standing in front of her, a horror stricken face as tears come to his eyes.

" have I done....?" Sasuke questioned as tears come to his eyes, Hana's vision starting to go black as she looked into Sasuke's eyes.

"S-Sasuke.....w-why...." Hana said weakly as her vision went black.

"Hana!!" Sasuke's voice echoed as a new vision surfaced.

Rose is standing in front of Hana, a distraught look on her face as she holds her arm in pain.

"This can't be the only way. There must be some other way to obtain power!" Rose yelled as Hana smiled, pulling her goggles around her neck as she sighed.

"Rose sensei. If this is what it takes for you to achieve your dreams....I don't mind, if it means your happy." Hana said as Rose shook her head, the vision becoming distorted as it started to fade away.

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