Chapter 42: Ice and Sand

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Hana and Gaara stopped in a dead end canyon, the man with matsuri staring at them.

"End of the line. Now return Matsuri." Gaara ordered as the man smirked.

"You really think you've got me cornered? You may want to reassess that. The only one trapped here is you." The ninja chuckled as Hana and Gaara stared in surprise.

"What?" Hana said as she looked around.

Everything seemed completely normal.

"Gaara, you may very well be called the ultimate weapon, but unless I'm mistaken, you used up all your chakra in that earlier fight." The man said with a smirk as Hana smiled.

"Gaara may have, but I haven't yet." Hana said with a smile as ice swirled around her feet, her hand on her katana.

"What can you do, against this!?" The man shouted as he pointed the sword into the air, summoning his weapons.

A chest plate, the puppet like swords and twin wind users sword all appear on him, Gaara and Hana staring in awe.

The man swung a sword, a large wind tornado coming straight towards Gaara and Hana as she smirked.

Hana blocked it with ice, the air blowing past the wall of ice as it melted.

"Dragon eye, fang release, dark sword!" The man yelled as the long sharp snake like sword came at Hana and Garra.

Hana blocked the three of them with her katana, trying to freeze the ground under the man as he simply jumped out of the way.

He had dropped Gaara's student on the ground, she was now unconscious as Hana gritted her teeth.

"Well, well, you're quite strong, boy. But how long can you go protecting Gaara!?" The man yelled as he shot multiple attacks at Hana.

Attack after attack, Hana blocked them all, though she was running low on chakra.

Hana yelled in pain as her chest hurt, her wound reopening as she fell to the ground, still blocking the odd snake swords as blood seeped through her shirt.

Gaara also dodged the swords with kunai, Hana coughing up blood as she fought.

'What happened to Hana!? What happened to her that is making her so weak?' Gaara thought as he grunted, Hana now standing as she continued to fight.

Naruto caught up as he freed Gaara's student, telling her to hide as she ran off.

"It's the end of the line, ultimate weapon of the sand. Why don't you release your Shukaku? Let's see what your really mad of." The man taunted as Hana gritted her teeth.

Gaara sat against the rock, panting as Hana stood in front of him, her katana in hand.

Her goggles hung around her neck as her and Naruto watched the man carefully.

The man started to attack Naruto, Naruto slamming into the rock as he fell to the ground.

"Now, die!!!" The man yelled as the three swords went in to kill Naruto, but sand and then ice covered Naruto.

Hana's fingers were intertwined as she kneeled on one knee, Gaara's palms together as he did the same.

"That sand is packed hard with minerals from the ground." Gaara said.

"And my ice melted with his sand, forming a hard barrier of sand and ice!" Hana said with a smile.

"I will defend him/Naruto, if it takes everything I've got!" Hana and Gaara said together as the ninja glared at them.

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