Chapter 13: Mute

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Rose had patched Hana up, using a bit of medical ninjutsu to fix her up.

Her cuts and bruises were gone, and everything was healed, but Rose didn't know if her vocal chords would heal.

After Rose was done bandaging Hana's cuts and neck, she finally let the rest of team 7 in.

Naruto burst through the door, running to Hana's side as Sasuke and Sakura slowly walked in.

Kakashi was awake, but bed ridden for another day.

"Hana! He's ok!!" Naruto exclaimed as Rose smiled.

"Hn." Sasuke said as Sakura smiled.

"Listen guys. Please be careful with him. He heals quickly, but, there's a tiny problem." Rose said hesitantly as they all looked at her.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked as Naruto stared in wonder.

"I guess something happened with his vocal chords, so it may be awhile before he should talk. So just be patient with him, ok?" Rose said as Sasuke and Naruto were about to respond, when rustling was heard.

Hana's light blue eyes shown brightly as she looked around at her team.

Hana's POV-

I opened my eyes again.

This time, the pretty woman was gone, and my team sat around me.

I tried to groan, or sigh, or even say hi, but there was nothing. It was like something was blocking my throat off.

"Hana!" Naruto yelled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Hana. Don't freak out. You're hurt badly so just relax." Rose said as Sasuke smirked at me.

"Glad you're ok." He said as I smiled weakly.

I feel so drained, I got thrown through a tree and punched and I couldn't even get up. I must look so weak in their eyes.

I sat up slowly, Sasuke and Naruto helping me as a pain shot through my throat and I hunched over.

"Hana?" Naruto questioned as I gritted my teeth, opening my mouth to say something, anything, but there was nothing.

I was mute.

I was mute.


I looked up in horror at Rose sensei as she looked at me with pity.

"Hana. You won't be able to talk for a little while, ok?" Rose sensei said as I nodded hesitantly. "I can heal it, but I need my medical books for that, and they're back home." Rose said as I nodded in understanding.

Being mute for a bit won't be too bad, right? I mean I guess it's a new experience.

I sat at the table with the team, when Kakashi came out of his room.

He was on crutches with Rose walking next to him, helping him a bit as he sat down.

"So, what did I miss?" He questioned as everyone stared at him, then stared at me.

Yeah, why don't you make him even more worried?

"Hana is mute." Sasuke said bluntly as I slammed my chopsticks on the table and frowned at him.

"W-what? Wait, how!?" Kakashi questioned as I shrugged, continuing to eat my food, ignoring the pain in my throat.

"I don't know. But he's not mute for forever. I can heal him when we get back to the leaf. Besides, a little peace and quiet, this is the best damn thing ever." Rose laughed as I puffed out my cheeks.

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