Chapter 33: The Fifth Hokage!

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This jutsu is soooo hard!

I've been doing this for like four days, and I still have yet to fully learn it!

I also had to look for half a day where the fourth kept all his kunai! Thank goodness that Rose sensei had a key to his old home.

I angrily threw a kunai into the distance, teleporting to it as I landed, I wobbled a bit, but ultimately fell right on my butt.

I groaned as I laid on the ground, sighing tiredly as I focused my chakra.

Rose sensei was with Kakashi sensei, like everyday.

Lee and Sasuke were still at the hospital.

Sakura was with Sasuke.

And Naruto, Jiraiya, An animal, and two women.
Wait, NARUTO!?

Alright, he's in the hokages tower....please lord fourth, have a formula there!

I felt a gust of wind, before I went slamming into a wall.

"What the hell!?" A woman's voice sounded as I groaned.

"H-Hana!? Where did you come from!?" Naruto yelled as I stood up, rubbing my head in pain.

"I learned a new jutsu....damn lord fourth and his weirdly placed formulas! That guy!!" I groaned as I looked up.

Third POV-

Hana looked up at Tsunade and Naruto, smiling awkwardly.

"Hey Naruto, who's the busty hag?" Hana asked as Naruto sweat dropped, Hana getting slammed into the ground.

"Watch your mouth, boy!" Tsunade yelled as Naruto nudged her.

"Uhh, Hana's a girl..." Naruto said awkwardly as Hana jumped up.

"She's not very Lady like..." Tsunade mumbled as Hana rubbed her head.

"Ouch...anyways, uhh I learned this teleportation jutsu that the fourth knew, and once I've mastered it, I'll become the fastest shinobi alive!!" Hana shouted happily as Shizune and Tsunade stared questionably at the girl.

"Hana! Hana! This lady can help, Kakashi sensei, Bushy brows, and Sasuke!!" Naruto yelled happily as Hana smiled brightly.

"Really!? That's awesome!! Thanks Miss!!" Hana said happily as Tsunade nodded before walking away.

"Really? This kid is a jinchuriki? And our scrolls were intercepted? What a mess." Tsunade said as the two elders nodded.

"This girl is a danger, and is...well very interesting if I must say." Homura said as Koharu nodded.

"She sticks out like a sore thumb! It's going to be a challenge keeping her out of danger. Her name is Hanabusa Jimi, she is around Naruto a lot so you'll know where to find her." Koharu said as Tsunade nodded, leaving the room.

Tsunade lightly placed her palm on Sasuke's forehead, a green chakra surrounding her hand.

Sasuke opened his eyes slowly as Naruto and Sakura smiled happily, Hana however standing behind them.

Sasuke slowly sat up, a blank look in his eyes as Tsunade watched Hana from the corner of her eye.

'That kid seems guilty...' Tsunade thought as Sakura wrapped her arms tightly around Sasuke's neck, crying as Naruto watched.

Naruto walked away, Sasuke staring blankly at the floor as Hana left too.

Kakashi sat up in the bed, a tired look on his face as Rose smirked.

"To get taken down so easily, Hatake! Honestly, if I hadn't come in and saved the day!" Rose said as Kakashi sighed, grabbing her into a hug as Naruto and Hana gagged.

"Ugh. Sometimes I think you two are dating or something." Hana said innocently as everyone except Naruto sweat dropped.

Hana and Naruto left Lee to Tsunade, as Naruto ran off to meet with Iruka.

-time skip-

"From this day forward, I am the ruler of the Village hidden in The leaves, the fifth hokage!" Tsunade announced in front of the village as Hana smiled.

"Hana." Sasukes voice sounded as Hana tensed up, a memory of Sasuke's horrified face flashing through her mind as she turned around.

"H-huh?" Hana questioned as Sasuke sighed.

"I read your letter. And what you had said to me when I yelled at you...I-I'm....I'm sorry." Sasuke said as Hana stared at him with wide eyes before tackling him into a hug.

"It's ok Sasuke! I'm glad we're still friends!!" Hana exclaimed excitedly as Sasuke pushed her away.

"I...I just didn't know that you had gone through all that. I'm glad I know now though." Sasuke said awkwardly as Hana smiled.

"Yeah. Hehe...the all great Uchiha just a girl..." Hana teased as Sasuke gritted his teeth, Hana already gone as Sasuke growled.

Hana sat on the roof tops, smiling down at the village.

Hana's vision suddenly went white, as Hana prepared herself for what she'd see next.

Hana is walking next to Rose, who's sighing tiredly.

Hana looks about nine, Rose smiling at her as she stops.

"Hana, remember when you asked me who Obito was?" Rose asked as Hana's little eyes light up, Hana jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yeah! Yeah! Obito!" Hana yelled as Rose laughed, sitting down on the grass as Hana did the same.

"Ok, well where to start....Obito, those goggles you wear, they used to be his. They're big on you now, but you'll grow into them. Obito was amazing, and happy, and fun. I loved him very very much. Obito sacrificed himself for his comrades, and I think of him like a hero. You know, you act just like Obito. I mean, a bit more sarcastic, but still, you act like him a know.....kaka.....mask.....Rin..."

The sentence became distorted as Hana's vision went white.

Hana's POV-

Obito...he sacrificed himself for his comrades.

He really was...he really was a hero.

(A/N:) hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was kind of all over the place, but the next one will be better, I promise! Have a super cool day:D

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