Chapyer 30: Uchiha's horror

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A messenger from Konoha stands in the middle beneath the feudal lords, all five there watching as the meeting begins.

"This meeting is for the safety of the five nations, and finding of the hidden scrolls of the Jimi and Uzumaki clan joint seal used on the twelve tails." The feudal lord of the land of Fire states.

"The documents have not been found in the land of Earth." The Land of earths feudal lord states.

"Nor in the land of lightning." The feudal lord of the land of lighting says.

"We have found part of a scroll, but we have yet to find the other half." The land of fires feudal lord states.

"We have nothing." The land of waters feudal lord states.

"We have also found a half of a scroll." The land of winds feudal lord says as the messenger speaks up.

"Who can perform it?" They question, there were an anbu sent from the leaf to the feudal lords meeting.

"It says anyone can, but it takes more than a normal amount of chakra to complete the seal." The land of fire said.

"Ours says the same. You'll need a large chakra reserve for a sealing of this kind. Plus, this is highly dangerous, and requires three people to complete." The land of wind states as the messenger nods.

"Understood. I shall relay this information to the Leaf. I shall escort the scrolls, and make sure they get to the intended person." The anbu said as a ninja gives them the scrolls, the anbu sealing them away as they leave.

Rose sat next to Kakashi's bed, sighing as she wandered off into her thoughts.

Roses pov-

I can't believe itachi was here...after what happened, he has the nerve to show his face around here?!

Third POV-

Rose growled as a memory flashed through her head.

Rose dragged her feet along the dirt road through the uchiha compound.

She was returning from a ROOT mission and was just happy to be home.

The moon light illuminated the pathway as she tiredly walked through the compound.

Rose was mumbling on about how tired she was and how she just needed to sleep, but was dragged out her thoughts quickly from a blood curdling scream.

Suddenly, a masked man appeared in front of her, Rose looking in fear.

"The hell!?" Rose yelled as she puts a hand on the hilt of her katana, her sharingan activated.

"You..." The masked man said in a deep voice that ran shivers down Rose's spine.

"W-why can't I feel Kagami and Hae's chakra...what's going on here?!" Rose yelled as she stared at the masked man, an odd swirl pattern on the side of the mask with only one eye hole.

"They are dead." The masked man said emotionlessly as Rose's eyes widened in horror.

"D-dead...? My parents aren't...who the hell are you?!" Rose yelled in confusion as she unsheathed her katana.

"It is the end for the Uchiha." The man said as Rose gritted her teeth.

"W-what? You.." 'I have to find sasuke and Itachi!' Rose thought. "Get out of my way." Rose said with a snarl.

'I dont want to do this...' The masked man thought. "why should I?" He asked as Rose gripped tightly onto her katana.

"Bastard!" Rose yelled as she flashes away, using the body flicker jutsu towards Itachi's chakra.

Rose is at the side of Itachi and Sasuke's home, the walls splattered with blood as the koi pond runs silently behind her.

"Itachi! Itachi, where are you?!" Rose yelled as tears start to come to her eyes.

"Aunt Rose..." Itachi's voice sounded from the darkness of the hallway, Rose gasping in relief.

"Thank god! Are you and sasuke Okay?! I think we're being attacked!" Rose exclaimed as Itachi sighed sadly.

Itachi slowly stepped out of the shadows, his mangekyo sharingan activated as he's covered in blood.

His katana held next to him as tears come to his eyes.

"I-itachi...what's going on here?" Rose questioned in horror at Itachi.

"I'm sorry...fare well, Rose..." Itachi said through sniffles as he steps forward.

Itachi shoved Rose into the koi pond, Rose staring up at him as the masked man from before appears.

"Take care of her...please make it quick." Itachi said as he runs off, Rose watching the masked man as tears came to her eyes.

"Got it." The masked man said as he lifts his sword, Rose staring in horror at the man.

The sharingan swirled in the mans eye as Rose is put under a genjutsu.

"!!!" Rose's screams fill the air as Itachi bit his lip at the sound.

Rose is standing in an all white space, her deceased best friend and future husband, Obito, standing in front of her.

" I, am I really dead?" Rose questioned as Obito looked at her with sad eyes.

"No, Rose. But you need to run. Run and dont look back." Obito said as Rose nodded.

"Bastard...I'm going to kill him when I get the chance." Rose cursed.

Hana awoke in her normal cell, the seal on her back replaced as she sighed.

The anbu, Zero, stood across from her, Hana sitting up as the anbu approached her.

"Did I...did I mess up again?" Hana asked as the anbu knelt next to Hana, sighing.

"Listen to me very carefully Hanabusa. I want you to be prepared. We have obtained scrolls that can help reseal you. A messenger is on their way here as we speak with the scrolls." The anbu said as Hana smiled brightly.

"Really!! Awesome!! So that means you won't have to follow me around, and I can join Naruto on his trip?!" Hana asked excitedly as the anbu chuckled lightly.

"If you feel well enough, yes."

(A/N:) haha! Cliffhanger! Have a supercalafragalisticexpialadoshish day!!

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