Chapter 10: Totally Not Suspicous Puddle!

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This. Mission. SUCKS.

Sakura won't shut up about Sasuke, and I can tell everyone else is on the brink of insanity.

Luckily, Rose sensei snapped, and boy did she snap hard.

"Ugh! Shut the hell up Sakura! He doesn't like you in any way, shape, or form. Leave my cousin alone you brat." Rose yelled as everyone stopped, tears coming to Sakura's eyes as I was trying to hold in a laugh.

"She's just a child, Rose." Kakashi said as Sakura started to cry slightly.

"She's a spoiled brat though." Rose said as I held in my laughter.

After a bit, Rose sensei apologizes... reluctantly... and everyone continues on, until we all pass a puddle.

Totally not a suspicious puddle! It's just the middle of a sunny clear day, it's been two weeks since it's rained, and oh yeah, when did puddles have chakra signatures inside them?

I snickered as we passed it, preparing to unsheathe my katana.

As expected, chains shot out of the puddle, wrapping around Kakashi and Rose sensei as I made three shadow clones.

We all unsheathed our black katanas as my sensei were ripped to shreds.

I knew they were substitutions, so I didn't let that bother me. The chains shot towards us as Sasuke used a shuriken and kunai to pin the chains to trees.

This forced the ninja to release the chains as one went for Naruto and the other for Tazuna.

I gritted my teeth as I pushed chakra into my feet, blasting forward as my three clones went to Tazuna's side.

I slammed my shoulder into the ninja's head as he started to fall to the side, but not before giving me a nice large scratch on the arm.

Ouch. That's gonna hurt later.

I went to keep fighting, but to my surprise Rose sensei appeared and put the ninja who scratched me in a head lock, Kakashi sensei doing the same.

My whole body was shaking as I felt an odd pulsing in my arm.

I looked down and groaned.

The cut had thin black liquid around it, slowly seeping in.

Of course the claws were poisoned! Why wouldn't they be?!

My arm was shaking uncontrollably as my clones disappeared, as I dropped my katana.

The blade clattered on the ground as my fingers went numb.

I tried to reach for a kunai, but failed miserably as I felt paralyzed.

"Your arm!" Sakura shouted as everyone looked up, Naruto with a kunai in his hand as the ninja were tied to a tree.

"S-Sakura." I started to fall, but landed in a pair of warm arms, as they gently set me on the ground.

Third POV-

Sasuke caught Hana in his arms as he looked at her wound, but was shocked at what he saw.

The large wound had stopped bleeding, and slowly started to close itself, as if her body was pushing out the poison and closing her wound.

"K-Kakashi, Rose sensei. What is this?" Sasuke questioned as Kakashi and Rose exchanged worried glances.

"Sasuke, pretend you never saw this. You must do this to protect Hanabusa and the village, understand?" Kakashi said as Sasuke nodded as he stood up, Rose walking over to Naruto.

"Ow! Stupid perv! Don't touch it!" Hana yelled as Kakashi slowly wrapped her arm.

"Sorry." Kakashi muttered as Hana thought about the first vision she had.

"Kakashi had fluffy silver hair, dark eyes, and a mole near his mouth. Oh, he always wore a mask over his mouth though, so nobody knew of the mole. I'm one of the few lucky people to have seen his full face, actually."

Rose's words filled her mind as she lightly touched her goggles and smiled.

'I wonder what obito was like...I wonder if we could have been friends.' Hana thought as Kakashi helped her up, Hana smiling widely.

Rose was terrorizing the hidden mist ninja who attacked them, as they looked on the brink of crying.

"A puddle on a clear day! Clear. Day! You two incompetent fools are the worst ninja-" Rose was cut off by Hana yelling.

"Alright! Let's get going!" Hana laughed as Sasuke sighed.

"You literally almost died. How are you so energetic all the time?" Sasuke asked in a bored tone as Hana snickered.

"That is a secret dear Uchiha, only I know!" Hana cackled as Rose smirked.

"She just has huge chakra reserves and I'm pretty sure she ate a bunch of candy before we left." Rose laughed as Hana crossed her arms.

"You have no proof!" Hana said as they all laughed.

The group traveled in the small boat across the water, a heavy fog floating above the dark water.

"And my grandson will cry, 'grandad! Grandad! I want my grandad! And my daughter will shun the hidden leaf ninjas, forever living in sorrow!" Tazuna cried as Hana messed with her goggles.

"Wow. I've never seen someone try and guilt trip someone so hard. I give you props old guy, but man did you look stupid saying that." Hana said as Sasuke smirked, Rose snickering quietly as she leaned on Kakashi.

After a few moments of silence, a massive bridge came into view.

The boat rower silently rowed across the dark water as the boat rocked a few times, everyone awing as the large bridge loomed far above the group.

"Wow! It's huge!" Naruto shouted as Hana snickered.

"That's what-" Hana was cut off by a swift smack to the head as Rose gave her a disapproving look.

The boat rower quietly scolded Naruto as they arrived into the land of waves.

The fog cut away as sun light poured onto the beautiful boardwalk town.

Tazuna thanked the boat rower as the group walked into the forest.

Hana's POV-

I sense a large chakra reserve ahead of us. They're waiting for us as we speak.

Naruto was chucking kunai left and right, Sakura yelling at him as I kept my guard up.

Naruto almost hit a small white rabbit and that's when it really hit. That rabbit couldn't live in a sunny place like this one...which means...

"Get down!!!" Kakashi sensei yelled as everyone fell to the floor with a hard 'thud' as a massive sword came flying where our heads were.

A large man stood on top of the sword that was lodged deeply into a tree.

And are those...are those cow leg warmers?!

(A/N:) have a super cool and awesome day pplz:D

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