Chapter 40: News Spreads

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Naruto and Sakura laughed as they made their way home, Jiraiya smiling at the two as they walked down the long dirt road.

Tsunade waited at the main gate, a solemn look on her face as Jiraiya stared at her in confusion.

"Hey granny! The mission went great! Man, I could go for some ramen right now!" Naruto said with a smile as Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, a sad look in her eyes.

"Lady Hokage, is something wrong?" Sakura questioned as Tsunade took a deep breath before looking at them both.

"While you two were gone...I sent Hanabusa and Rose on a mission. It went well, however...three days ago, Rose returned with...with a dead Hana. Rose has since left the village, I was able to bring Hana back, but she's in critical condition." Tsunade said as Sakura and Naruto's eyes widened.

"R-Rose sensei...left..?" Sakura asked as Naruto clenched his fists.

"Where's Hana!? Can we see her!?" Naruto asked worriedly as Tsunade nodded, leading the way to the hospital.

Hana was laying in a hospital bed, dark circles under her eyes as her red hair was sprawled out all over the white pillow.

She had multiple IVs, as an anbu sat quietly in the corner.

"Hana!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran to her side, Sakura doing the same.

"She should wake in a few days, but the damage is extreme. Rose's chidori had broken multiple ribs, and the force alone will leave a scar." Tsunade said as Jiraiya put a hand on her shoulder.

"Have you told Kakashi?" Jiraiya questioned as Tsunade shook her head.

"Actually, I haven't seen him in a few days. It was the border patrol between the lands of Grass and Rain that alerted us." Tsunade said as Jiraiya nodded.

"I'll ask around." Jiraiya said as he left, Naruto staring at Hana sadly as Sakura looked in worry.

'I can't believe I yelled at her...if she had died, I would have never forgiven myself...' Sakura thought as Naruto gritted his teeth.

"I'll bring back Sasuke, and Rose sensei. If it's the last thing I do!" Naruto yelled with determination as Tsunade left, giving the two some space.

"The job is done, Lord Orochimaru. You shall now have two sharingans soon." The figure with a hood and black hair said as Orochimaru chuckled.

"Excellent. My plan is going perfectly." Orochimaru's menacing voice sounded as he smirked.

"What plan?" Sasuke questioned with a furrowed brow as Orochimaru shook his head.

"Oh Sasuke, there is no plan. But your sensei Rose sure does have one." Orochimaru said with a smirk as Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked impatiently as Orochimaru sighed.

"Your sensei, Rose, just murdered her own student. That red head boy with the goggles, is no more." Orochimaru said as Sasuke's eyes widened.

"H-Hana? Rose wouldn't..." Sasuke trailed off as he went back to his room, his eyes wide with confusion and fear.

'Is Hana really dead?' Sasuke thought as his eyes well up, but he pushed the tears away.

Hana slowly opened her eyes, looking around the room.

Shikamaru was asleep in the corner on a chair, Naruto was asleep in a chair next to Hana's bed, Hinata was looking out the window as Sakura walked into the room.

Hana groaned as Sakura looked over, running back out the door as Hinata ran over to Hana's bed.

"Hana! A-are you alright? H-how d-do you f-feel?" Hinata asked worriedly as Tsunade walked in, Shikamaru and Naruto waking up as well.

Hana groaned as Tsunade helped her sit up, Hana's eyes heavy as everyone stood around her.

"Hana! You're ok!" Naruto yelled as Hana rubbed her eyes.

"Thank goodness your alright." Shikamaru said as Hana looked around.

"W-what h-happened?" Hana's voice was raspy and dry, as Tsunade and everyone's eyes turned sad.

"Hana. When I sent you on that mission, you were ambushed. Rose got stuck in a genjutsu and thought you were the enemy. She ended up piercing you with her chidori, and...Rose has left the village since then. I'm sorry." Tsunade said sadly as Hana nodded.

"I remember. My chest, it hurt really bad." Hana said as everyone looked at her worriedly.

"It May be a few days before you can get up and walk around, so just rest-" Tsunade and others watched as Hana stretched her arms above her head, sitting up fully as she threw off the covers.

"Huh? Oh I feel fine." Hana said as everyone sweat dropped.

"'s been a whole week since the mission..." Tsunade said as Hana yawned.

"What the heck!?" Naruto yelled as Hinata just stared in confusion.

"This is such a drag." Shikamaru groaned lazily as Hana smiled.

"Aww, come on Shika! You care~" Hana said teasingly as Shikamaru looked away, mumbling about drags and women.

"Lady Hokage." An anbu dropped from the ceiling in the hallway off the hospital, just outside Hana's room.

"Hmm? What is it?" Tsunade questioned as the anbu stayed kneeling.

"Kakashi Hatake was found unconscious in the home of Rose Uchiha, he was stuck in a genjutsu for over four days. He was found with a pair of goggles as well." The anbu relayed as Tsunade nodded.

"I'll check on him. Thank you." Tsunade said as the anbu nodded, disappearing.

Rose walked into the small hut, the darkness hiding a figure on a throne.

A few candles were lit as a large white canopy cascaded over the throne.

"Ahh, Rose. Welcome back Kage. I assume you have completed your mission?" The woman questioned as Rose sighed, kneeling before the woman.

"Yes my queen. However, I will be leaving for more training. Hanabusa Jimi, is dead." Rose said as the queen gasped, the sound of beads clattering as she sighed.

"Rose. What happened? That was not your mission. Your mission was to steal information from the Hidden leaf on the attack of the Hidden Shadow village. It was not to kill the girl." The woman said as she stood, pulling back the white canopy as she stepped down.

The woman had dark skin, her long purple hair tied back as it reached down to the floor.

She wore an elegant black kimono, white flower designs decorating the hems as beads fell around her neck and hands.

"I understand, my queen. But under the circumstances, she got in the way of my jutsu, and as a result she died." Rose said as the queen nodded.

"I understand. The hidden shadow village will be waiting for you after your training, Kage. By the way, how is the shadow Justus?" The queen asked as Rose stood.

"They work beautifully. Good bye my queen." Rose said as she left, the queen smirking as she returned to her throne.

'The jinchuriki is finally dead. The Shadow Village will soon rule over the five nations.'

(A/N:) this is a bit all over the place, but I hope you enjoyed! Have a magnificent day:D

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