Chapter 15: The Girl in the Vision

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I'm starting to wonder if Naruto was dropped on his head a lot as a baby.

Naruto was inside the ice mirrors with us, after his grand entrance, and Rose sensei was fighting against Zabuza.

I could hear the clanking of swords and feel small bursts of chakra, so I knew there was a battle going on.

The needles seemed never ending.

I was able to block almost all of them, only getting minor scratches, but Sasuke and Naruto were getting fully pierced.

After a while, I started to protect them, my eyes never leaving Haku as Naruto panted on the floor.

Suddenly, Sasuke started to block the senbon almost perfectly, and that's when I saw it.

Both his eyes were a bright crimson red. The sharingan.

More senbon came crashing down on us as I gritted my teeth. I've always had very good endurance and stamina, along with chakra.

But using so much at once? Man it tires you out.

I brushed off the pain however as I kept fighting, the distant clashing of metal sounding once or twice.

I can't take it anymore. I dropped to my knees as I panted.

I look like a freaking porcupine.

"The boy is fast. I must end this quickly." Haku mumbled as he sent senbon directly at me and Naruto.

Sasuke was in the middle of us, but Naruto was closer to him.

I guess he didn't notice the senbon Haku had also sent towards me, I can't blame him though, I am mute for the time being.

Sasuke took the barge of needles, as needles rained down on me, though I was unable to yell out in pain.

I watched however as Sasuke fell to the ground, Naruto catching him as he looked up at me.

My vision was going foggy, my body going numb as my goggles hung around my neck.

Naruto's eyes were wide with sadness and terror as white started to cover my vison.

Either I'm dying or it's another memory.

Third POV-

Hana stood on a small snowy hill, light snow falling down on her.

"Hanabusa! You're making it snow again! Now I know why they used to call your clan territory the 'Arctic Desert' cause even though it's in Suna, it snowed!" A young girl laughed as she ran up from behind Hana, standing next to her.

He had long dark purple hair and a black kimono, along with a small pink rose in her hair.

"Sorry, Zimoku. Rose sensei says it's because I can't control my chakra. Everywhere I go it snows..." Hana said as Zimoku laughed.

"That's alright! I love the snow anyways! But what was Sunagakure like!? Did you ever meet the Kazekage? Was it hot? Or because it was always snowing was it cold?" Zimoku asked as Hana laughed, her long red hair blowing in the cold breeze.

"It was nice." Hana said plainly as there was obvious pain in her voice.

"You know, the reason it snows is because of your emotions. I think it's the sky crying for your loss. It wasn't your fault, Hanabusa. None of it was. If you forgive yourself, then the snow will stopping crying with you." Zimoku said with a sweet smile as Hana sighed. 

"I guess. I just...I don't even remember doing second, I'm with papa, and the whole clan is dead." Hana said with sadness as tears welled in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Hana. Everything is going to be ok. It will be over soon."

Hana's POV-

I slowly opened my tired eyes and slowly sat up.

Rose sensei had jumped back away from Zabuza and had a body in her arms.

I noticed the clothes and immediately knew, it was Haku.

My whole body ached as I watched Kakashi and Rose sensei fight.

From that memory, I learned quite a bit.

1. I used to live in Suna.
2. If I become extremely emotional, my power unleashes.
3. The Jimi dead.

At least it wasn't scary but quite a cute memory. That girl and I must have been close friends when I was younger.

I watched as Rose and Kakashi sensei both stabbed Zabuza's arms, making him disabled.

My head swayed slightly as I looked at myself.

Not a single scratch? Dried blood, but no- my thoughts were cut off by a bone chilling cry.

A mourning cry. A cry...that was full of pain.

I looked over at the other side of the bridge.

Sasuke's body laid motionless on the ground as Sakura cried over him, Tazuna standing next to her quietly.

Naruto was yelling at Zabuza about Haku, as a bunch of ninja stood across Zabuza and us on the edge of the bridge.

Could they be...goats? Gao? Toga? Gato? Ehhh whatever his name's henchmen.


Why isn't Sasuke moving...?

Better yet, why can't I feel his chakra...?

He can't be-

That's when I hit me. Sasuke had taken the brute of the attack.

Sasuke is....

I slowly stood up, red haired falling over my face as it shadowed my face.

My goggles hung loosely around my neck as I stood up fully.

"Hana! You're okay!" Sakura yelled but I didn't look at her.

I looked over to see Zabuza going to kill Gato, and Haku's dead body in the middle of the bridge.

I stood there. I couldn't protect Sasuke. My one goal, my one main goal, and I blew it.

Anger built up in me as small tears welled up in my eyes.

My knees felt weak as I fell, my hands hitting the floor as my breathing become shallow.

Blue frost started to claw up my skin from the floor, as it started to turn into large chunks of ice.

I can't breathe. Sasuke, he's...he's dead. It's my fault. If I was just...stronger!

I don't know how long I stayed there on the floor, it felt like mere second before I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

I looked up into Sasuke's eyes.


He was standing over me, holding his side as my ice disappeared and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Rose and Kakashi sensei were smiling tiredly as Naruto stared with wide eyes.

Zabuza and Haku were dead. Along with Gato.

Sasuke was alive, and everyone was okay.

Now the next problem.

I'm still mute.

(A/N:) heyya! Hope your all having a super cool day:D

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