Chaper 9: Escorting a Drunk

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-WARNING- This chapter contains a bit of gore and describes child abuse. Viewer discretion advised.

"Sasuke, point A."

"Naruto, point B, believe it!"

"Sakura, point C."

"Hana? What's your position?" Kakashi sensei asked as I tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to jump as he whirled around.

I stood behind him, holding a small cat with a red ribbon around its ear as it purred in my arms.

"It came up to me." I said as everyone walked over.

"Well look at that, Hana beat you, squirt." Rose sensei joked as she leaned on Naruto's head who gritted his teeth.

Rose had started calling Naruto 'squirt' and he absolutely hated it.

"Oh shut it, the cat came to her!" Naruto yelled as I laughed lightly.

We were walking down the dirt road towards the hokage tower, when my head started to throb.

Shoot! Not now! No no!

Too late.

My vision went completely white as I felt myself keep walking.

Third POV-

Hana's screams echoed in the dark room as the sound of blood splatter followed after.

Mina stood over Hana, a bloody whip in her hand as she cackled.

The whip cracked against Hana's back as deep gashes formed, blood splattering all over. Her wounds quickly healed, as the white haired woman cackled.

"How does it feel, monster? I'm not like your naive father, or your dumbass Aunt and Uncle! I won't go easy on a demon!" The woman yelled as Hana cried out, the whip cutting deeply into her skin.

The man who was called 'Kanto' stood in the doorway as he shut his eyes, avoiding the scene.

Hana's POV-

My vision returned as I was suddenly in the hokage's office, Naruto yelling at the hokage.

Why didn't he help me!? That woman was hurting me...and where was Rose sensei? I looked really young, maybe 7? These have to be memories!!

I was snapped out of my memories as Naruto yelled about a princess or a feudal lord, the hokage smiling.

Wait, what's going on?

The wooden door slid open, as the overwhelming smell of alcohol took over everyone's noses.

A fat old man walked in with a sake bottle in hand, staring at us.

"What's up with the short one with the idiotic look on his face? Are these kids really ninja?" He rudely asked as I clenched my fists.

The shortest ones here, were me and Naruto. Though I think I'm actually shorter than Naruto.

"Haha! Who's the one with the idiotic look on his face?" Naruto laughed as I gained an irk mark.

"Listen here old man!! If your talking about me, you better apologize before I take my fist an ram it up your-" I was cut off by Rose sensei put a hand over my mouth, sighing heavily.

'What is going on with Hana? She seems more aggressive for some reason. Did someone do something wrong?' Rose thought as I glared at the man, growling lowly.

Turns out he was talking about Naruto, who had to be held back by Kakashi as he tried to attack the old guy.

"I am Tazuna, a bridge builder from the land of waves. You better be prepared to put your lives on the line for me during this escort mission!" The old man said as Rose finally released me.

We all decided to meet up at the main gate, with our backpacks and ninja tools preparing for the mission.

My head was filled with questions.

Why am I seeing these?

Why was that woman being so cruel to me?

Who is that man and woman?

And she said aunt and uncle, so who are they?

I'm so confused, and so conflicted that I feel like my head is going to burst. As I waited by the gate for the others, I leaned against the massive gate, trying to sort my thoughts.

My head started to throb again as I prepared myself for the next vision. Please just give me answers.

Third POV-

Hana sat on the floor on her knees, the man named 'Kanto' smiling down at her.

He held a kunai, as he stared down at it intently, a sad look on his face.

"Hana. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you. I'm sorry I never stood up to your mother, but it will all end soon. I'm sorry you have to see this." The man said as tears streamed down his face. "Hana, I'm going to be with Auntie and Uncle now. Go to Konoha, be with your cousin Næútøß, I love you so much my little red."

He got on his knees, holding the kunai out.

"Daddy." Hana said as he looked over at her, smiling sadly.

"I love you, my little red."

Hana's POV-

My breath hitched as I swallowed the hard lump in my throat.

That was my father.

And he said go to Konoha, with my cousin but the name just sounded distorted.

I-I don't understand!! I don't understand any of it!

He said he's going to be with my aunt and uncle, but what did he mean?!

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Sasuke and Sakura showed up at the gate, soon after the rest of team 7 and Tazuna.

I brushed off my arm, a tiny chunk of ice sticking to my skin. My emotions are getting out of hand.

"Alright, we're off!" Naruto yelled happily as he waved his hands in the air.

"What are you so excited about?" Sakura questioned as I played with my goggles.

"Well, it's my first time ever leaving the village!" Naruto yelled as Tazuna sweat dropped.

"Am I really okay with this kid?!" Tazuna asked as Kakashi and Rose just sweat dropped and sighed.

"We're jonin. We'll be watching him. No need to worry." Kakashi said as Naruto held an irritated face.

"Hey old man! Don't be mocking ninjas so much! Cause I'm a super elite ninja that will be called hokage one day! My name is Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it well!!" Naruto exclaimed as I stared off into the trees.

I sense someone there. Are we being followed?

Gahh! I'm so sick of all these questions!! I'm so confused!!

We set off down the road, as the mission began.

(A/N:) have a fantabulous day! :D

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