Chapter 39: Goodbye, Kakashi.

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Rose stumbled at the main gate, the rain non stop pouring as she sprinted into the village.

Jumping on rooftops, she finally made it to the hospital, bursting through the doors as nurses swarmed around her.

Tsunade had just finished with a few patients, as she stared with wide eyes.

Rose was soaked in rain and blood, dried blood around her right hand as she held a limp Hana in her arms.

Hana had a large hole in her chest, her bright red hair damp with mud and rain.

"R-Rose..." Tsunade trailed off as she grabbed Hana carefully from Rose, examining her.

Rose fell to her knees, her hands on the floor as tears fell from her eyes.

Tsunade quickly rushed away with Hana, Rose slowly standing as she rubbed her bloody, puffy eyes.

Rose left the hospital, making her way to the Uchiha compound where she lived.

She avoided all the jonin, quickly making her way inside her home.

Rose fell to the ground, her breathing heavy as her eyes burned.

Rose cried out in pain as her crimson eyes swirled, her onyx eyes taking place.

"What have I done..." Rose said in disbelief as she shakily stood, looking around her large house.

This house...where she lived with her brother, and their parents.

Rose sat at the step of the front door, putting her shoes on as Itachi stood in the doorway, impatiently.

"Why can't you train with me and Shisui!?" Itachi questioned angrily as Shisui ran up behind Rose, tackling her from behind.

"Rosie! Where are you going?" Shisui questioned as Rose chuckled.

"I have a very important mission to destroy Kannabi bridge today. Not to mention my teammate Kakashi finally became a jonin." Rose said with a smile as Shisui and Itachi groaned.

"You're just excited to see Obito!" Shisui yelled as Rose turned pink, Itachi nodding.

Shisui was 7, Itachi 5 at this time.

"Ok, ok, after this mission I'll help you two train.  It won't be too long, this mission will be a piece of cake!" Rose said with a smile as Shisui and Itachi pout.

"But Sis, I want to train now!" Shisui whined as Rose sweat dropped.

"Why don't you ask Father? He can help you train while I'm out. I'll see you guys in a few days!" Rose said with a smile as she flicked both boys in the foreheads, sliding the door open as she left.

"Love you!" Shisui yelled as Rose smiled.

"I love you too, Shisui."

Rose packed her things quickly, only to stop at a knock on her door.

Rose tensed as she opened the door, Kakashi standing there in the pouring rain with a smile.

"Yo. I didn't know you'd be back from your mission so soon. I was wondering-" Kakashi started but stopped at Rose.

She still had blood on her dress, her hand still covered in blood.

"No, Kakashi. I can't right now." Rose said as she tried to close the door, but Kakashi stopped her.

"What happened to you!? And why-" Kakashi stopped as he looked behind Rose, a backpack by the door. "Are you...are you leaving?" Kakashi questioned as Rose gritted her teeth.

"You don't understand...I have to." Rose said as she looked down, Kakashi staring at her in confusion and worry.

"Rose, what happened?" Kakashi questioned as Rose shook, tears coming to her eyes.

A memory of Hana's scared and horrified eyes flashed through Rose's eyes as she gripped the door tightly.

"I....I...I killed her...." Rose said quietly as Kakashi looked at her in confusion, stepping inside and out of the rain.

"Killed? Who did you kill?" Kakashi questioned as Rose shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

"I...." Rose trailed off before she gritted her teeth. "Hana. I killed Hana. I was stuck in a genjutsu. I should have....I should have used my sharingan. My chidori, it ran right through her. She's dead." Rose said as Kakashi's eyes widened.

"H-Hana? No, no Rose is sure she's fine-"

"No kakashi! I had to carry her dead body here! You can't stop me! I'm leaving!" Rose yelled as Kakashi grabbed her wrist, Rose not making eye contact with him.

"Rose, please...don't do this. You can't leave. It was an accident right? It's ok, I...I know how you feel. But please-" Kakashi said but Rose yanked her wrist away, looking up at him.

Her mangekyo sharingan swirled in her eyes as tears fell, mixing with her blood as she looked at Kakashi with sad eyes.

"T-the mangekyo-" Kakashi stuttered as Rose cried, gripping Kakashi's hand tightly as she stared into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi. This is goodbye. I love you...please forgive me." Rose said as she put Kakashi under a genjutsu, knocking him unconscious.

Kakashi fell to the ground, Rose catching him as she placed him against the wall, tears falling as her sharingan disappears, Rose sighing.

Rose placed Hana's blood and mud covered goggles in Kakashi's hand, a sad look in her eyes as she stood.

'I must atone for my sins. I won't let Hana's death just be in vain.' Rose thought as she looked at Kakashi's face one last time, before grabbing her backpack.

In a flash, Rose was outside Konoha, staring at the village as she sighed.

Rose turned away from the village, knowing that this may be the last time she saw it.

Rose shot into the trees, not looking back as she left the hidden leaf.

Kakashi is sitting on a small picnic blanket, Obito, Rin, Rose, Minato, and Kushina sitting there all with smiles.

Kakashi is his younger self, looking at his team in sadness.

"Really!? You're gonna have a niece or nephew?" Rin asked in surprise as Kushina nodded happily.

"Oh I just hope they have red hair like me!! My brother is so lucky!!" Kushina said happily as the team all smiled, Kakashi looking at younger Rose.

Rose smiled at Obito, who smiles back, but there's a hidden sadness in Rose's eyes, as she watched Obito laugh with Rin.

"So team, when our nephew or niece is born, would you all like to meet them?" Minato asked with a smile as everyone nodded.

Kakashi watched as more memories flashed through his head.

Rose's empty and sad eyes at Obito's funeral.

Rose trying to stop Kakashi's chidori as Rin had jumped in front.

Rose returning to ROOT after her brothers death.

Kakashi after the Uchiha massacre, thinking Rose was dead.

Rose giving him a katana when he became a jonin.

Her smiling face.


The final memory was of Rose's smiling face, as she turned away from Kakashi.

She waved behind her back as she said,

"Goodbye Kakashi."

(A/N:) hope you enjoyed this sad chapter, have a lovely day:D

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