Chapter 32: Fourth's Jutsu

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Hana opened her eyes slowly, staring at the scene around her.

Her apartment was covered in bright blue ice. The ceiling, the walls, her dining table, everything.

The anbu stood there, rushing over as Hana looked around.

Zero lifted up her shirt gently, staring in confusion at her seal. It was its normal swirl and flames, as if nothing had happened.

"What-" Hana started but was cut off.

"How! How did you do that!? One second your asleep, and next, the room is frozen and you're awake!" Zero shouted as Hana sat up.

"I...I locked the seal I guess." Hana said unsurely as they all stared at her, when out of nowhere the door crashed down, Rose and Asuma running in.

"What the- oh. Hana what happened?" Asuma questioned as Rose whistled.

"That's quiet a lot of ice." Rose said as she looked around, Zero pulling her to the side to talk.

"I'm fine. I just met...two very strange...
uhh...people-dragons? And I uhh sealed it back up." Hana said as everyone sweat dropped.

"There's nothing wrong with her seal. She is perfectly normal." Two said as Hana smiled brightly.

"Does this mean I can go with Jiraiya and Naruto!?" Hana asks as Rose laughed.

"Fuc- I mean, hell no." Rose said as Hana pouted.

"Why not!?" Hana asked as Rose sighed, walking in front of Hana.

"There are people who are after Naruto right now, and if you go along, it could be even more dangerous. If you get kidnapped, or fall into the wrong hands..." Rose trailed off as it clicked in Hana's head.

"There's someone hunting people like me, isn't there? And that must mean Naruto is a jinchuriki too. Right?" Hana asked as Rose nodded.

"Yes. Sorry, Hana. But suck it up, it's not a big deal." Rose said blankly as Hana puffed out her cheeks.

"Yeah, Yeah."

Hana slammed open the hospital door, frightening Sakura as Hana ran in.

"I'm here!" Hana yelled as Sakura slapped her.

"Keep your voice down!" Sakura yelled as Hana grabbed her face, pouting.

"I just wanted to see sasuke." Hana whined as she looked at the bed.

Sasuke was lying there, dark circles under his eyes as Hana puffed out her cheeks.

"I can't believe his own brother did that. What a jerk." Hana mumbled as Sakura sat back on a stool, Hana standing next to her.

"Where's you anbu?" Sakura questioned as Hana sweat dropped.

"Well, I fixed my seal, I still have no idea what happened to those scrolls, but I froze my entire apartment floor, and the anbu are somewhere. Actually, I'm pretty sure they're sill following me but I don't mind." Hana said as Sakura sweat dropped.

"You...froze...? Your apartment floor?" Sakura repeated as Hana nodded, chuckling nervously.

"Yeah, it's a long story. It's kind of like how Gaara can control his sand, but it' Also, they gave me a bunch of new rules now, and it sucks! Until the hokage gets here, I'm stuck in the village!!" Hana whined as Sakura smiled.

"At least you'll be safer, right?" Sakura offered as she smiled sadly at Sasuke.

"Yeah. Hey, when Sasuke wakes up; since I'm guessing you'll be here a lot; could you give this to him?" Hana asked as she gave Sakura a small letter, starting to head out of the hospital room.

"Yeah! Bye, Hana." Sakura exclaimed as Hana smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

"See yah later, Sakura!" Hana said happily as she left.

'I'm never saying goodbye again. Plus, it just seems dumb, like if I'm going to see someone later, why say bye? Bye is like something I'd say when I'm dying or something.' Hana thought to herself as she made her way out of the hospital.

'I hope I don't die.'

"Hana! Are you even listening!?" Rose yelled as Hana snapped out of her thoughts.

"S-Sorry! I was trying to track Naruto's chakra! But he went too far..." Hana said with a pout as Rose sighed.

"As I was saying, you want to become the fastest shinobi in all the nations or whatever, right?" Rose asked as Hana's eyes lit up.

"Hell yeah!" Hana yelled with a smile as Rose nodded.

"Well, the fourth hokage had a special jutsu. It's called, 'The Flying Thunder God Technique.' It was created by the second hokage, but was forgotten after the fourths death. Now, these scrolls-" Rose started but Hana cut her off.

"I got it! Just give me the scrolls and I'll master this in no time!" Hana yelled as Rose dead panned.

"Fuck this. Go crazy, idiot." Rose groaned as she threw the scrolls at Hana, before disappearing.

Hana's POV-

I've read all the scrolls! I sort of get how to do this.

It says, I must first mark something with my 'technique formula'.

I marked the tree in front of me.

Then, after entering a dimensional void, I can instantaneously teleport to the formula placed.

The one down side is that it takes up a lot of chakra, but with more practice it takes less and less.

I then stood in the training field, only a few feet away from the formula I placed.

I felt a rush of wind, before I started to fall.

As I opened my eyes, I quickly grabbed a kunai, slamming it into the hard rock beside me as I panted.

I looked around, and gasped.

"Who the hell puts a formula on the hokage faces!?" I screamed as I placed my feet onto the rock, walking up towards the faces.

As I approached the fourth's face, I sighed.

The fourth had placed a kunai, on his own face.

I mean, not on the top of the mountain, or on a ledge, just, on his face.

I sighed as I focused again, finding my formula from before as I teleported.

I felt a rush of wind before I landed face first, skidding on the ground.

I slammed into a tree, groaning as I stood up.

Ok, so my landing needs work.

As I took a step forward, I blacked out.

Damn that really does take up a lot of chakra.

(A/N:) have an awesomeeeee day:D

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