Chapter One // Meeting my room mate.

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(Lottie's POV)

Today I left home and set of to my new university. If you're wondering I am pretty scared, I got informed that I will be sharing a dorm with a male. They rang me and asked if it was okay, because obviously most girls would feel pretty uncomfortable with staying with a boy. I on the other hand was not, I think that if the guy doesn't like you, he doesn't like you. What's so awkward about that?

I reached the building which was massive which also had a couple of other buildings dotted around it, they were pretty ugly buildings but there was nothing I could do about that. There was art work everywhere which again, I thought was ugly and pretty damn shit.

"Are you okay from here, hunny?" My mum asks wiping a tear from her eye, soppy ass shit. I love her but I'm going to see her at Christmas break,okay that was around two or three months away but what is she going to be like when I move out? Well, technically I have moved out... But I mean getting my own flat with a guy who I want to spend christmas and every other holiday with.

"I sure am, mum." I said picking up the few bags I brung. I looked around and saw everyone else with bags and bags full of things, especially the girls. I brought my Xbox, clothes, make up and other hair things etc.. I was a girly girl when I wanted to be, but then I got be a tomboy as they come. I hope my room mate likes Xbox or we are going to have a problem.

"Right well, see you at Christmas hunny. Work hard, promise me, you'll stay out of trouble!" She said looking me in the eyes. I nodded, she pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek leaving a red lipstick stain which I instantly rubbed off my cheek.

"Mum." I whined pulling away from her body. "I'll see you at Christmas, I love you." I said waving at her as I walked away in the direction of the dorms. I watched her get back in the car with my older brother, I didn't even say bye to him because he pissed me off. I hate his guts sometimes I dont even care if that sounds bad. I actually wish he wasn't my brother, put it this way. He takes my Dad's side for everything.

I slowly walked into the building of dorms, I read the numbers on the wall. My dorm was on the second floor. I stuggled pulling my bags up the stairs. Once I finally reached the top of the stairs I had no trouble, I read each number on the dorm hoping for mine to finally pop up.

Guess who's dorm is at the end? Mine.

I knocked on the door waiting to see if I got a reply, this is the point I got pretty nervous.

"Hello." A voice called from behind the door, I opened the door hoping it was open and it was. I walked in to the room and two other boys were in there too.

"You're Lottie, right?" The boy smiled, they must of told him my name. Unfortunately I didn't get told his, it would of made everything a lot less awkward.

"Yeah, I didn't get your name?" I asked subtlely. For someone who is pretty anti-social I had a bit more confidence, I shoved my things on the free bed and closed the door behind me.

"My names Harry." He said coming closer to me. I smiled and began unpacking my things and putting them in neat piles on the bed, I felt three pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I laughed watching them stare at my Xbox I got it now. They were obviously gamers and had Xbox's too.

"Harry you got lucky, shes a gamer girl!" One of the other boys shouted. I laughed and carried on unpacking as this was pretty awkward. I didn't really know what too say in these sort of situations, espcially if someone is staring right at you, it begins to make you feel a bit nervous.

"So, you guys play?" I asked handing them my stack of Xbox games, they looked through them and I could hear them talking about some of the games I had. I turned around and Harry was sorting out his bed, while the other two were still playing out with the games. "Harry which waredrobe did you take?" I asked making sure I wasn't going in to his waredrobe.

"I took the one closest to the window." He smiled, I think I might get along with him. He seems pretty genuine, he made me feel pretty comfortable other than staring at me. Picking up some of my clothes I walked to the waredrobe, we had a week to get too know our room mates so I didn't need to unpack that quick but I hate leaving my suitcase full. I placed some of my clothes on the end of Harry's bed so I didn't need to hold them.

"Do you want some help?" The guy with brown hair asked getting out of his seat. I didn't know his name so don't judge me for calling him the brown haired boy, thats how I know him at the moment. Not going to lie, he was gorgeous. Nice hair, nice eyes... Nice everything.

"Sure, that'd be cool." I replied handing him some hangers. "Wait do go under there" I shouted but just as I said it he picked up a pair of my 'sexy' knickers. My face went bright red with embarrasment.

"Lace." Harry winked, I stuck my middle finger up at him. I think that may off been the ice breaker.

"Anyway." The brown haired boy laughed putting them back down on Harry's bed. "My name is Calum." I smiled hanging one of my tops on a hanger then placing it in the waredorbe.

"Lottie." I smiled still embarrased at what had happend, for a second we just stared at each other then realised how creepy we looked.

"So are you two gonna be here often?" I asked strolling to the other side of the room to pick something up then returning back to Calum.

"Well we don't go to uni so, we'll both be annoying the hell out of you two." The other boy said, I laughed at his comment as did Harry and Calum.

"What's your name?" I asked so I could get to know him better. I carried on folding my trousers while Calum was putting my shoes at the bottom, he was so nice.

"Calum, but call me Cal and him Calum its just so much easier or call me Freezy." He shrugged, it was so confusing with there being two Calum's.

"I'll call you Freezy." I laughed. Calum was on the floor, he held his hand out for me to help him up. I giggled and held his hand, I tried pulling him up but he put all his body weight down.

"Freezy, help me." I laughed, Freezy came over and tried to pull him up. He had to be difficult.

"Get the fuck up, dickhead." Freezy laughed, still trying to put Callum up. We both finally got Callum up, I sat on my bed with Callum beside me. I was pretty tierd so I laid down on the rather uncomfortable bed that we had been supplied.

"You guys need to fucking go now, Lottie is tierd." I heard Harry shouted as I was half asleep with my legs over Callum. They both got up, and began to pack up their things.

"See you in a couple of days, Lottie." Freezy said hugging me, which I thought was cute considering as we had only known each other for around about an hour.

"Bye Lottie." Callum said giving me a tight squeeze. They said goodbye too Harry, then walked out of the blue door. I was pretty sure I was put in a male dorm as everything in here was either painted plain colours or blue, I said steriotypical but oh well.

"So how about a game of fifa?" Harry winks, he ran over to the Xbox and pushed the disc in, I have a whole two years of this lovely guy and the other two. As well as Xbox, my best friend Rebekah is coming down tomorrow and so is Freezy and Callum.

"Your on, you're gonna get smashed mate!" I said as Harry through the second Xbox controller at me. I think I am going to like it here, I couldn't of been put in a better dorm.

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