i. crash

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          An interrupting ray of sunlight burst into the windows belonging to Bailey's room

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An interrupting ray of sunlight burst into the windows belonging to Bailey's room. Her head shook with an absolute detest as the ray of sunshine told the girl to wake herself up from the slumber, Bailey covered her head with a pillow to block the bright light before deciding otherwise.

Groaning, Bailey revealed her body to the cold atmosphere of the caravan she owned and lived in. It was usual for the caravan to be cold in the morning, as she didn't sleep with any heat because of the cost of warm temperature. Her legs first moved from the comfortable bed and onto the floor, patting her feet slowly to get used to the icy touch of it.

Her head turned to face the outside. Bailey always found comfort in the surroundings of the outside: people walking by, living their lives and doing their daily things, the green grass swaying in the gentle wind that blew across them, the pretty flowers using their powerful colours to make themselves stand out against the mud below them. Bailey adored the outside — it was the inside that bored her.

With no family, Bailey was lonely. She had no personal contact with immediate family, and neither any of her distant members. Her dad left when she was young, her mum had driven him away from their family with her horrible habits and words. Mum was a whole different story. Whilst dad loved Bailey, mum didn't. Bailey's mum only offered love to Bailey when she wanted something; money.

Bailey sighed, she had to get on with the day. Despite wanting to curl up in a ball and whither in her bedroom, Bailey released herself from the bed and into the bathroom where she started her daily routine to make herself somewhat presentable for the day: make-up, teeth, clothes, hair.

Her make-up wasn't subtle in the slightest. Eyeliner smudged along her eyes, making her brown eyes even more hidden, blush painted across her pale cheeks in an attempt to add some colour to her face, concealer to cover the visible bags under her eyes and a pop of dark-coloured lipgloss to stand her lips out.

Bailey smiled at the appearance of herself, make-up usually allowed Bailey to act a certain way she wasn't; confident. Her fingers fished through her blonde and pink locks, something that contrasted with her dark choices of clothes and make-up, shaking her head to create volume in the locks of her hair.

After changing, Bailey exited the caravan. Slamming the door behind her, Bailey caught notice of the neighbours in front of her (Freya and Noah.) Bailey smiled at Freya, a dark-skinned women with tamed, curly hair and bright, hazel eyes. "Morning, sweetheart," Freya announced as she hugged Bailey slightly.

Freya was like a mother to Bailey. Freya sure acted like her mother, always giving her money and food, and affection. Which was something Bailey's mum never gave her.

"I made you coffee. . . It isn't the usual grinds that I use because Noah decided it was a good idea to use them on the garden," Announced Freya as she placed emphasis on her husband's name. Bailey chuckled before taking a sip of the coffee in the recyclable cup, "It's fine. Coffee is coffee. Are grinds even good for gardens?"

Freya furrowed her brows at the sentence, her expression filled with confusion. "I actually have no idea. Noah! Are you sure coffee is good for plants?" Freya shouted round the back of the caravan to Noah, whom was working on their petite garden area to their caravan. Noah could be heard speaking back but his words were mumbled and quiet.

"I gotta go, Frey. I don't wanna be late for my first day, do I? When I get back, tell me if that garden is fucked," Bailey laughed as Freya rolled her eyes before bidding each other goodbye. Freya allowed Bailey to use her car to get to school, driving there as quick as the roads let her.

As she parked, she noticed a crash between a man's car and a bollard. Bailey furrowed her brows before picking up her cigarettes and coffee cup, taking them outside with her. "What the fuck. . ." She whispered to herself as she saw the man shouting at someone, going fucking mental. Bailey chuckled, lighting her cigarette before noticing Effy stood at the argument.

"Your dad is still shit at driving," Bailey announced towards Effy. The dark-haired girl nodded her head in agreement before Bailey took a long drag of her cigarette, allowing it to soothe her nerves and create the toxic pattern in her lungs that she loved so much.

"My dad is shit at everything," Effy replied before taking a drag of the cigarette also.

As Bailey gaped at the situation, she turned her head to find more people staring at the situation. Though, she admired two of the boys laughing at the whole thing. One was an boy, much more tanned than his two friends, his dark hair covered his forehead and his smile was contending along his face, making him look friendly and sweet. Whereas the other one that caught her eye was somewhat opposite. He was another boy, skin light and fair as his hair was short and a lighter brunette — some would say a dark, dirty blonde.

It was his eyes that caught Bailey off-guard. They were blue, and piercing. A perfect mixture for his mischievous-looking face, though his friend had soft, brown eyes.

Effy cleared her throat, making Bailey break her contact from the group and back onto the situation. She felt someone brush besides her, watching as the boy from before had tomato sauce smeared on his face, Bailey escaped a chuckle from her mouth. "I indeed say that was a horrible accident. I watched it all. This poor man could've died," Bailey announced in her not-so-posh accent. "Died," She added to make the sentence seem more acceptable, and meaningful.

Her eyes met with his blue ones, his smile was now towards her. "C'mon, Bails," Effy whispered as grabbed Bailey's hands and began to walk towards the college.

But, before they did, Effy ran her finger up his cheek — licking the sauce clean from it. "Sweet," Effy told him, beginning to walk with Bailey again as the two chuckled with one another.

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