vi. narcotic

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          As they walked in, Bailey felt his arm move from her waist as they searched the area around them; the expensive area

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          As they walked in, Bailey felt his arm move from her waist as they searched the area around them; the expensive area. Usually, parties were messy, dirty pots and empty bottles everywhere. However, this party was the opposite of what they had in mind. Did they realise what they were heading into? An engagement party. Bailey chuckled at the idiotic thought.

There was nobody dancing, jumping around, they were all stood. Some silent; some talking to one another. It was pathetic, her hand stroked through her straight locks before looking up at Freddie. "When she said party—" Someone began to talk before Katie interrupted, "—You thought she meant an acid-fuelled sex rave without the Mancunians."

"This is more—"

"Jelly and ice-cream," Effy finished off the conversation. Bailey shook her head, this was like turning up to a children's party expecting to be getting drunk out of your fucking mind. They were out of place — awkward in this setting. Bailey walked over to the glasses of champagne laid out on the table, taking two of them.

The glass reached to her mouth, downing it as she felt the bubbles settle in her stomach. Bailey grimaced at the feeling of the fizzy alcohol settling deep into her empty stomach, suddenly downing the second glass as if it was going to take away the feeling. A wave of sickness washed over her, she despised champagne. Though her tastebuds detested otherwise, she grabbed another two and downed them as well.

She needed something to get her through this.

"Taste nice?" Effy asked, admiring as she had just downed four large glasses of champagne. Bailey scrunched her nose to show Effy that the answer was no. "Vodka is better, I can say that for sure," Bailey replied before making her way towards the bar — wanting a glass of Vodka.

After she ordered her drunk, with no asking of ID , thankfully, Bailey took her drunk and headed towards the direction of Cook. "What's wrong?" She asked, watching out into the direction he was. "He's Johnny White. The gangster," Effy said, mysterious as ever. Bailey shook her head in disbelief, gangster? Doubt it. "Yeah, legend," Cook added on.

"He murdered those two nuns over a pint of Guinness," Freddie told everyone; unbelievable. Bailey chuckled slightly, "Over Guinness? It couldn't have been something better, like whiskey or something?" She joked before taking a sip of her Vodka and lemonade.

"Allegedly," Bailey chuckled again.

"I heard once he stabbed a policeman in the neck with a stuffed guillemot," Announced JJ. Bailey widened her eyes, is that even possible? "That's so not true. It was a puffin," Kayleigh replied, correcting JJ. It wasn't any better though, puffin , guillemot, who cares? Bailey decided to take this as a queue to down the rest of her Vodka pop.

"So? Who's for narcotics?" Asked Cook, Karen soon sparked up. "Me," She told him before Kayleigh, Effy, and Pandora also agreed.

"What?" Effy asked Pandora. "I've decided I love drugs," Pandora told Effy, a little smile on the tips of her lips. Bailey sighed before patting Pandora on the shoulder, "I'll join." Bailey soon grabbed another glass of champagne, also downing that one before placing the glass into Freddie's hands. "Thanks, Freds," She said as he awkwardly held the glass, feeling her tap his cheek a couple of times.

Sure, the alcohol had rushed to her head, and Bailey was feeling the slightest bit drunk. Yet, she didn't care. They all ended up in the bathroom, everyone sniffing the powder that Cook had bought to the party.

Bailey placed her finger on the side of her nose, allowing herself to sniff the powder. None of the affects kicked straight away, but her eyes watered and her nose itched slightly.

"What is it?" Karen asked Cook, not having a clue what the narcotic was. "Uncle Keith's special blend. A hallucinogenic opiate and stimulant — four hours of THC giggles and MDMA highs, with a transcendental kicker," Cook explained the narcotic in major detail. Bailey nodded her head, impressed with the 'special blend'.

Bailey felt the affects kick in slowly, though, she realised how stupid it was to take this with alcohol still in her system. She just didn't care enough to sort it out, a giggle escaping her throat as she thought deeply about it. Katie snorted the powder next, Bailey giggling slightly at that.

Suddenly, her giggles soon stopped when she saw Pandora eating the powder. "No, Panda! For fuck sake. You seen us sniff the power, why eat it?" Bailey shouted as she took the remaining powder from out of the girls hands. She looked at the packet; empty. "Was that wrong?" Pandora asked, Bailey giving her an expression that tells her yes. "Did you just swallow my drugs?" Cook asked her in disbelief.

"She's fucking finished it!" One of them shouted.

"It tastes horrible!" Moaned Pandora as Cook laughed at her. "It wasn't fucking sherbet, Panda," Laughed Bailey as she covered her mouth slightly, not even wanting to imagine how the narcotic tasted on her tongue. "My mouths gone all numb. . ." Pandora told everyone, the whole room laughing bedsides Kayleigh and Karen.

As they dragged Pandora from the room, she gripped tightly onto Bailey. Bailey went straight over towards the dance-floor. If nobody else was going to dance, then she'll have to. Effy soon joined her, the two of them holding champagne in their hand.

Their heads swung loosely as they danced to the sound of the music, Bailey only giggled as she twirled her body — her hair loosely following behind her. Taking tiny sips of the champagne, Bailey allowed her to become more excited as the music soon become more upbeat, more their style. Her hips swung more delicately as she finished the champagne and moved her arms along the tune.

In the middle of her dancing, Bailey hadn't noticed the extra pair of eyes dancing along her presence. Freddie hadn't decided to take his eyes from Bailey, even when he was talking to Cook. He was mesmerised.

After a while, everyone stopped dancing when the music come to an stop and a person began to talk; welcoming Johnny to the stage.

"So, my daughters getting married and she couldn't have chosen a nice bloke, Steve Heston. Unfortunately, Steve couldn't attend today without violating the terms of his probation. He couldn't be here himself, but he is well represented by members of his family. Welcome, Hestons. No more rucks, no more knives, no more pliers, we're gonna be tight as a badger's bum. The Whites and the Hestons brought together in the marriage bed, still fucking each other, but in a good way. Come up here, sweetheart," Johnny said and Kayleigh made her way up to the stage.

"You've kept yourself pure for so long for this task of the piece. In times of strife, you've lit up my life, and now you're gonna be Steve's wife and I just want to say, doesn't she look a picture? I could just eat her," Johnny said before giving his daughter a passionate kiss. Bailey scrunched her face up, her own dad?

"What the fuck. . ." Bailey trailed off as she watched the scene unfold in front of her, Pandora chuckling as she watched it as well. The alcohol in her system was suddenly bubbling, as if she was going to be sick. "Right, charge your glasses with free booze, and raise 'em for Kayleigh and Steve!" Everyone cheered.

However, Pandora had other ideas. Pandora soon fell down to the ground, dragging Bailey's weak body down with her. Luckily, Bailey felt the need to protect the Vodka and lemonade within her fingers as she steadied herself on the ground. "Fucking hell, Panda. Get up, tosser," Bailey laughed, Pandora laughing alongside her.

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