vii. good things go bad

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         Soon after, Cook made his way through the crowd

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         Soon after, Cook made his way through the crowd. Bailey let out an excited squeal when she felt his fingers tighten onto her hip, moving her out of the way from his walk. Her eyes rolled before wrapping her hand around Effy's, watching as Cook was possibly about to do something stupid; nothing new.

"What's he doing now?" Asked Effy, watching as Cook made his way onto the stage, taking the microphone into his hands. Bailey covered her eyes in embarrassment — this was going to be harsh to watch. "Is he going to sing?" Katie asked, Freddie soon nodded his head after when he stood bedside Bailey. "Yeah," He confirmed, Bailey giggling slightly.

What else could she do? Her hands clapped together as she waited for the music to start. "This is going to be so good," She didn't know if to get sarcastic or not; she had never heard Cook sing before. Her arms crossed as she waited for Cook.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to dedicate this to a very special lady!" Cook announced into the microphone. Oh, shit. This song isn't dedicated to anybody random, no, it was dedicated to Kayleigh — the fiancé. "Shit, this going to be bad. . ." Replied Freddie, his hands reaching to his hair in stress. Fuck. Bailey chewed on her bottom lip, sipping the alcohol slowly as she watched everything unfold.

As soon as the song started, Bailey couldn't help but admire his voice. He wasn't half-bad. She smiled slightly at his voice, this was before she noticed Johnny looking extremely angry at Cook. He stood straight up, inching his way closer towards the singing Cook.

"Usually, I would say 'let the boy live,' but this isn't good; is it?" Bailey asked Freddie, revealing her eyesight to the scene on the stage. She had to do something, right? Bailey made her way over towards Johnny to at least settle the man's emotions. Yet, as she tried to reach him, his strong and rough hands pushed to girl down to the floor.

Being the weakened by the narcotics and alcohol, Bailey immediately fell down to the floor. "You know what, fuck you!" She exclaimed before standing on her two feet, aiming her arm to punch him. As she went to swing, Freddie wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled Bailey back into their group.

"Don't start on him, Bailey. He's fucking dangerous," Freddie warned her, turning her to face him directly before moving some pink locks out of her face. Bailey glanced at him in annoyance before beginning to talk, "He fucking pushed me. Me. I'm not having it." Freddie chuckled at her determination to stand up for herself.

"I don't want you being hurt, okay?" Freddie asked, Bailey soon softened and nodded her head. She turned around to watch Cook being knocked off of his chair, her hand flying to her mouth to cover her gasp.

Her other hand went to her hand, holding onto the injury that occurred on her arm after being pushed down. Smash. Bailey battered her eyes in disbelief when a bottle was smashed over the top of Cook's head. 

A couple of minutes later, they all stood downstairs as Freddie sorted whatever was going on up the stairs. Bailey stared down at her cut, stroking it slightly to take the singing away as the blood began to dry. Suddenly, she jumped when Cook's body landed on the pile of food below them — the food going everywhere.

"Look at my tracksuit, you weasely, little prick!" One of the Heston's shouted up at Johnny. Shit. Bailey couldn't help but laugh, the drugs were really taking affect at the wrong time. "What did you say?" Johnny asked the lad from above, Bailey passing her eyes between both of them.

"You're a weasely, cunting prick!" The lad shouted back up to Johnny, his tracksuit covered in foods of all sorts. "You fucking hobbit!" Johnny shouted down to him, Bailey furrowing her brows. If he was this iconic gangster; surely he would have better words to be throwing at people. "And we've all fucked your daughter, ain't we lads?" The tracksuit-covered lad said, all of his friends agreeing with him.

Bailey joined her lips together — wow. She laughed slightly before looking over at Kayleigh who tried to act innocent. "What'd you fucking say?" Johnny shouted, jumping off of the banister and down to the first level. Bailey watched as a massive fight began to break out between them, her hands covering her eyes like a child watching something bad.

She felt Freddie grab onto her wrist, pulling her way from the crowd of fighting men. Her throat escaped a squeal as she felt her wobbly feet being dragged his stable ones. However, Bailey had other ideas when she noticed Cook hadn't joined their side to run away. "Wait. Freds, wait!" Bailey shouted to him, making them stop; abruptly.

"Cook's still in there," Freddie listened to her words before looking behind her figure. "Shit. I need to go to JJ, you get Cook, yeah?" Freddie told her, rubbing his thumb gently on her wrist before sighing. "Be safe, 'kay?" He warned her before placing a gentle kiss to her cheek, running back to find the others.

Bailey turned around, going back into the party that soon turned into chaos. She fought her way through the fighting before hearing the obnoxious laughs coming from Cook, she glanced down at him. "C'mon, you twat!" Bailey shouted to him, holding her hand out for him to grab it and exited the building in a rush.

As they raced back under a tunnel, Cook didn't remove his hand from Bailey's.

"You're fucking unbelievable!" Exclaimed Freddie as he faced Cook, his breath still being lost after all their running.

"I needed to get laid, man," Cook told Freddie. That was his fucking excuse? Sex. Bailey scoffed before removing her hand from his, moving over towards Pandora and Effy. "You're always trying to get laid," Spat Freddie. It seems Cook always ruined their plans, is that correct? "I try, I succeed, right?" Cook replied before looking out at all of the girl's in front of him.

"Speaking of which. . . Any you girls fancy it?" Questioned Cook, looking at Katie, the red-headed girl laughed in his face. "No, thanks. You're repulsive," She rejected before laughing again, leaning against the wall of the tunnel.

"Weird girl," Cook started, regretting to out-of-her-head Pandora. Pandora only rolled alongside the walls before replying, "You're beautiful, but no. My tuppence feels all funny." Bailey furrowed her brows — tuppence. What is a tuppence? "How about it then, peachy?" Cook asked Effy, Effy sighed before looking over at Freddie and then back to Cook. "C'mon, Amy Winehouse. Home," Effy replied, that was more of a good reason to say no. At least she placed Pandora first, for once.

"So, Doll, it's just me and you," Cook said, his body weight began to push Bailey against the wall as he leaned atop of her. Bailey looked him in the eyes, her hand reaching his shoulder before placing with his hair slightly.

She couldn't deny he was pretty — especially this close up. His eyes looked more incredible up close than they did from afar, the blueness of them shook her core slightly. His hand began to make it's way past her thigh and onto her waist, waiting there for her answer. Bailey lifted her head slightly, a smile on her lips.

Bailey sighed, making her way to his ear so she could whisper the answer. But, as she did, she noticed Freddie staring deeply at her, Bailey opened her mouth to whisper into his ear whilst making eye contact with Freddie. Fuck. This was harder than she thought.

"Sorry, Cookie. Not tonight," Whispered Bailey, her lips patting against his ear with a small kiss before she quickly returned back to their previous position on the wall.

Cook clicked his tongue, looking over at her with a smirk from her actions. "You are one teasing person, Doll," Cook told her, removing himself from her. Bailey only chuckled before nodding her head in agreement — eyes glancing over at Freddie. "I know," She said before slowly walking away with Katie on her side; holding her hand.

"See you tomorrow, JJ!" She shouted to the boy, hearing a slight 'bye' following after as she left the tunnel.

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