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                   There Is A Reason


He hits a bell, turns a knob, flicks a switch, and taps a few keys. Several seemingly perfectly choreographed movements later and the Doctor is parking the Tardis exactly where he'd been aiming.

The alley way is clear of traffic which surprises him, it's a Saturday and those are never boring. Though probably for the best considering his destination. A club just off campus from River's university and he's sure she's here. Sexy doesn't usually miss when it comes to finding his River Song.

'It will be a pleasant surprise,' he thinks. It's been ages since they've mutually been far enough along in their time-streams to both know who and what they are to each other. He's used to younger versions of her and she's been seeing younger versions of him no doubt. This time he's deliberately seeking her out, an older Professor River Song, one whom he'd married long ago and will be glad to see him for whole new reasons.

A flash of psychic paper at the door and he's inside making his way through the sea of people, seeking her out. This isn't his usual type of place, but it's always been hers. She's nothing if not flirty and wild, always has been. It's a trait that she's keep since her days as Mels.

He looks around for a moment, it doesn't take him long. He'd have to be more than blind to miss her mass of titian curls bouncing in the crowd as she spoke animatedly with the man in front of her. He frowns at the body language he sees and stands utterly still staring at them. Frozen he watches as they move and she dances teasingly in ways he thought reserved for him and only him. The music changes and she moves her hand to his chest, laughing as she leans to whisper something into the man's ear. Whatever is said has made the man wrap an arm around her waist and pull her in tight to him as he mimics her move and whispers against her ear. River nods and smirks and to his shock, she leans in and kisses the man in a way that clearly screams promises of sex. He fears that he may have come too early, that maybe she's still in her student days. But then she shifts and he knows he not early at all. She's wearing a necklace he'd given her years ago, it glints in the flashing lights mocking him.

They break apart and the man nods towards a darkened corner of the club. She nods back with a look he knows is desire, but then points towards a hallway and walks towards it disappearing from sight. He stands there a moment before realizing that his hands are clenched into fists, his whole body wracked with anger. 'Is this what she does when he's not here?' The fury is blinding and before he knows it he's following along after her.

He rounds the corner to see her ducking into the ladies room and waits. After a maybe two minutes he can't wait any longer. Glancing around he pushes the door open to see that except for River, the room is empty. She's standing there applying a harmless lipstick, he's gotten very good at knowing the difference. She whirls around at the sound of the door banging open and stares at him, her mouth hanging open in shock.

She manages to compose herself enough to ask, “Doctor! What are you doing here?”

He says nothing, looking her over. She's dressed for seduction, a figure hugging dress in a dark blue. It's not too short, but the neckline makes up for it by plunging into a dangerously low V.

Locking the door without a second thought he backs her up against the counter where her purse is resting. She moans and he hears her lipstick tube clatter as it falls to the the floor. A smug look replaces the angry one he'd been wearing.

“The question, Professor Song, is what are you doing here?” His words are biting, and as he speaks he draws his eyes over her figure letting her know he knows exactly what she's up to tonight.

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