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The Lights Go Out and I Can't Be Saved


The whirring sound of the TARDIS echoes through the damp halls of Stormcage, followed by the tell-tale sound of landing before the containment facility is encompassed in almost-silence once more.  Lightning cracks and illuminates the seemingly never ending corridors as the thunder rolls and the rain splatters none too gently across the tiny windows that are found in each cell.  One might think that the windows are a small courtesy given to the prisoners, but he knows better.  They are too small and too high to properly see out of, mocking the prisoners with a darkness that is only broken by the eerie yellow lightning that seems to light up everything and nothing at once- the windows serve purely as a reminder of the freedom that is so far out of reach and will never be obtained.

Unless of course, you’re River Song.

River Song can walk in and out of the most heavily guarded prison in the universe like the walls aren’t there, but tonight, as he walks up to the bars of her cell, she is there.  For once it seems that she doesn’t even know he’s arrived, so he watches her as she twirls in front of the mirror that’s attached to her bigger-on-the-inside wardrobe, taking time to appreciate her clothing choice- a just above the knee, curve-hugging dress made of champagne colored fabric.  His favorite bit?  It’s backless.

“Hi honey, I’m home.”

River jumps and whirls around to face him and the surprise on her face is quickly replaced with a suggestive smirk.  “And what sort of time do you call this?” she tosses out lightly as he sonics open her cell and steps in.

He answers by pulling her close and kissing her, one arm snaking around her waist while he buries his other hand in her curls.  She moans softly into his mouth before placing her hands on his chest and gently pushing him away, smiling, “Happy Anniversary to you, too, sweetie.”

He smiles widely and is unable to contain a high-pitched giggle.  Anniversary.  With his wife.  His fingers slip under the hem of her dress and along the skin of her thigh until they touch the cold metal of her gun.  Before she knows it, he has it in his hand, his nose crinkled in distaste, “No gun tonight.”  She huffs as he sets the gun aside and before she has the chance to protest he grabs her hand, “Come along, wife,” and pulls her into the TARDIS.

The doors close behind them, silencing the loud sirens that began blaring through the Stormcage corridors as soon as she stepped foot out of her cell.  They bounce up the stairs and River leans against the console as his fingers fly over the keyboard, typing in their destination.

“Where are we going?”

The Doctor beams at her, “Thought we’d start with an ancient history museum.”

Her eyebrows rise in disbelief, but he catches the way her eyes light up and the way she’s trying so hard to contain her excitement.  Archaeologist.

“A museum?  That’s very low key for you, my love,” she teases.

“I said start, River.  Never said what I have planned for the rest of the night.”  She leans in closer, a smirk tugging on her lips as she trails her fingers down the buttons of his shirt, “I hope your other plans don’t involve clothing, sweetie.”  She practically purrs out the words, sending shivers down his spine, and he loops his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him, “You’ll have to wait and find out, Mrs. Doctor.”

“Mrs. Doctor?” she questions, her eyebrow winged high as he smiles approvingly.

“Yes, I quite like the sound of that.”

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