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                   Yours, faithfully.


Alex returned to her flat, in California, after a long day of shooting. She was finished for the next week and sighed as her head crashed on her pillow. It had been a whole day since she had heard from Matt, which was very unusual for the two. In the six months since they started their secret relationship, they had only managed to see each other twice; she visited once and then some filming they had were shot in the same town, so they shared a room for a week then. Despite this, they had made sure to call everyday and text when possible. Alex knew how she felt about him now – of that she was certain. She wanted to tell him, but not over the phone. In the two months since their last encounter, she had debated how best to tell him when they eventually met up. Still, no idea.

Defeated, Alex picked up her phone and called Matt once more. She sighed as an automated voice responded with, “I’m sorry, the person you are trying to call cannot take this call at the moment. Please try again later or leave a message after the tone”. Alex bit her lip nervously as the words were spoken to her before deciding to leave a message. “Hi, Matt, it’s only me,” she began, trying to sound happy, “just wondered how everything was…I have a week off now so if you have some time, I could fly over to Britain? I’m sure you’re busy, but I don’t mind the”- Alex jumped, stopping mid-speech on the phone as she heard a knock at the door. Cautiously, she went to the door, still on the phone. She tried to sound unphased. “...uh…yeah, so...let me know, sweetheart. I miss you. Bye.” She hung up and placed her mobile on the sofa and went to the door. She unlocked it, opening it slowly.

And there he was. Grinning from ear to ear, a bouquet of fresh roses in his hands. “Hello, Alex. Miss me?” Matt smiled, and a wave of relief swept over Alex. Moving the flowers to one side, he outstretched his arms, and Alex went to hug him. She smiled as he embraced her, kissing the top of her head. “Well…isn’t this a pleasant surprise!” she said, giggling with excitement. Matt grinned down at her, before asking “so…can I come in? Or do you need to hide your other boyfriends?” he teased, and Alex slapped his arm flirtatiously. She let him in and noticed he had quite a large suitcase with him. In the past, he only ever brought a hold-all or large rucksack, bringing just enough that he could do laundry and it not be obvious he was rotating three outfits. She raised her eyebrow and smirked. “Moving in?” she giggled, always glad to have Matt here though. He blushed a crimson red, more so than what she had ever seen before. He played with his hair a little bit and his voice sounded ‘wobbly’. “Matt?” she asked, sensing a slight distress. “Yes, um…sorry. Maybe I should have called ahead…” he coughed and looked down. “The thing is…I’m tired of not being able to see you. I have two months before any filming is scheduled again and, well…” he ran his hand through his hair again. Alex reached out to hold his hip, her smile calming him. “I wondered…I hoped…if you would have me here? For that time?” he suddenly seemed to burst into life, as he often did when an onslaught on apologies were to ensue. “Now, you don’t have to say yes. I know this is so presumptuous of me and of course you can be mad but…but Alex I’m sorry but I can’t…” suddenly, he was cut off. Alex had wrapped her arms around his neck and had thrown herself on him. Months of pent up lust and desire for him overcame her as she saw how vulnerable, yet madly in love, he made himself to her. She kissed him tenderly, and with a fair bit of force, causing Matt to let go of the suitcase to move his hands to her waist. He steadied her. Truthfully, he was glad this was her response. Alex had known since day one of their relationship how crazy he was for her, he had even told her that first time they made love: “I’ve been falling in love with you”. But with Alex, she had never said the word ‘love’ in terms of how she felt about him. So her reaction was a blessing, that, if nothing else, she didn’t hate him.

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