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orgasms are like waves, there's always another one coming.

Ever since his first day on set she'd been attracted to him – he was Matt Smith and he was playing the Doctor, how could she resist? She'd never told anyone how she felt because...well there was no point really, it's not like he could ever feel the same. Every time she saw him and felt that sense of lust, it would get pushed to the back of her mind but it was always there hiding in her sub-conscious, it's not like she could just make it go away. A lot of people suspected there was something going on between the two of them, the pair of them always called it 'innocent flirting' though and to be fair, on his part that's all it was. Many a lonely night had been spent wondering how he would react if he ever found out – none of her theories ever ended particularly well though.

It was the last day of filming for 'The Wedding of River Song' and she'd decided that it was time to tell him the truth about how she felt. It had taken her months to admit to herself that it wasn't lust she felt for him, it was love – in it's purest form. If things went badly then at least she was leaving and they wouldn't have to see each other ever again, that was better than working with each other every day with such an awkward tension. After the wedding scene she'd made a flirtatious comment on his kissing and he'd replied like his normal self – flirty as ever.

They were both walking back to their trailers when she made the first step – as hesitantly as was humanly possible.

“Look Matt, I need to speak to you about something – something important – before I leave.” Alex said gently, looking at him to see his reaction but careful not to make eye contact.

“Of course Kingston, what is it? Do you want to come over to my flat for dinner tonight? I'll tell the others that I can't make it to the pub because...well I'll come up with something.” He looked toward her as he spoke and saw that she was shivering, due to the Cardiff weather no doubt. Putting an arm around her shoulders instinctively, Matt pulled her in closer to him as they walked.

“That'd be lovely dear, as long as you're sure you can get away. I don't want to interrupt your plans.” Sweetly smiling at him, she leant in to his shoulder and breathed in his heady scent. Why can't he just know already? Alex asked herself, praying that she wasn't going to destroy their friendship.

Walking back towards his trailer, Matt wondered what she was going to talk to him about – he didn't really care, he could listen to her talk forever and never get bored. No-one ever knew about his love for her, they'd all assumed it was some school boy crush he'd gotten over a long time ago but they were wrong. Even Alex didn't know, she flirted with him carelessly every day but she didn't know the truth about how he felt. Matt didn't think for a second that she could return his feeling for her, of course she didn't – he was a gangly little boy and she was the woman who defined the word 'sexy'.

Every time she came round he liked to make an effort, with dinner, with what he was wearing and generally with how he acted. All of his adult life since he left home he'd lived on microwave meals and take-out, but he always made the effort to cook when she was visiting. It wasn't that he couldn't cook. Actually that was one of the few things he could do without causing a massive accident – he just never bothered to make the effort for himself.

When six o'clock rolled around, he got changed in to; his River Song t-shirt which he always wore just to wind Alex up, some dark blue jeans that rarely ever made an appearance and the small locket she'd bought him last Christmas. To her, it had been a small token of friendship – though it must have cost a considerable about – but to him it had meant so much more. It said 'Team TARDIS' and the photograph inside was from their visit to America – him, Alex, Karen, Arthur and Steven. The timer for the oven just went off when he heard a knock on his front door and shouted for her to come in – his lasagne was done perfectly and it's aroma filled the kitchen as Alex walked in.

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