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Because death is the only thing that could’ve kept him from you


The Doctor looked over to his wife, settled amongst pillows and blankets by the fireplace. She was writing down her daily diary entry, recounting the adventure they had had in the morning - not that it was much of an adventure. It mostly consisted of dropping off the Ponds in Leadworth, and River distracting him with her warm kisses as she pushed him onto the jump seat and straddled his lap. He was quite happy to cooperate with her since she’d stubbornly refused to sleep with him while her parents were in the Tardis, so he didn’t mind much. Especially when River was in his arms, all nice and warm and soft against him.

It didn’t take long for her hands to slide up his shirt and find his bow tie, never breaking their kiss as she tugged on the loose end. His hands found hers, still holding the bow tie and taking the long strip of cloth away from her. He pulled back, wrapping one end of the tie around her palm and the other around his, lacing their fingers together and kissing the back of her hand gently. She bit her lip, tilting her head as she watched him with soft eyes. He surged forward, crashing his lips to hers as her free hand started expertly unbuttoning his shirt.

He pulled away from her far enough to look into her eyes, muttering softly, “I missed you.”

She smiled at him, pressing another small kiss to his lips as she undid the final button on his shirt. Her fingers caressed his stomach gently as she bent her head to nip at his neck. He sighed softly, his hands trailing down to her thighs to tug her closer.

How he missed this. How he missed her. He loved his Ponds but whenever River came around (not nearly often enough to begin with) he found himself selfishly wishing for as much time alone with her as possible. In between working to earn her pardon and - well, prison - he hadn’t spent nearly enough time with her lately. And travelling with River and the Ponds was all well and good, but what was the point of having his wife come over if she wouldn’t even sleep in the same bed as him?

So he was quite happy to see the Ponds off, even if it was only for a week. River’s hands found the front of his trousers and began stroking lightly, and his grip on her tightened. Oh, he was definitely happy that he’d seen the Ponds off.

“Doctor, Amy said she left one of her - oh!”

Apparently the universe didn’t want him to be happy.

River and the Doctor swivelled their heads around to see who’d interrupted them - and at the sight of Rory, red-faced and jaw dropped, his expression a mixture of horror and embarrassment, the Doctor groaned loudly, dropping his head onto River’s shoulder.

Once the Doctor had buttoned up his shirt and River had left to retrieve whatever it was that Amy had forgotten, he turned to see Rory staring at the Tardis doors with his back towards him.

“Uh - Rory, I -” he started, his ears turning red.

“Whatever you do with River when you’re alone isn’t my business, Doctor.” Rory said firmly, still not turning around. “You do not have to explain anything to me.”

“Er- right.” Said the Doctor awkwardly, his face flushing even more at Rory’s forced nonchalance. “Thank you.”

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