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I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue

       mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday)

He doesn’t know.

After the initial shock of a strange woman appearing in the middle of the TARDIS in a crackle of electricity fades, it’s pretty obvious. Clara eyes her up and down with intrigue and more than a bit of interest in those wide brown eyes, and River smirks. The Doctor, however, remains oblivious. Not about to break it to him – at least not without having a bit of fun first – she fluffs her hair and allows herself to be blatantly ogled. It certainly isn’t the first time and at least Clara only has two hands. “Hello sweetie.”

“Hello,” Clara purrs, leaning across the console with a smile. “My, aren’t we friendly?”

“Oi, she was talking to me,” the Doctor blusters, scrambling out from beneath the console in his shirtsleeves, goggles shoved over his forehead and grease smeared on his cheeks.

River licks her lips. Oh, she does love when he tinkers with the Old Girl. “Actually,” she says, glancing away hurriedly. “I’m talking to whoever is willing to give me a kiss hello.”

The words prompt Clara to scramble around the console but much to her dismay, the Doctor beats her to it, smiling obliviously all the while. He bends his head and presses a welcoming kiss to the corner of her mouth, asking, “What have you got for me this time, dear?”

“Who says I have anything?” She raises an eyebrow as if to say can’t a wife drop in to say hello to her husband now and again?

The Doctor doesn’t have much to work with but she gets the distinct impression his returning eyebrow raise means not my wife.

She sighs. “I may have discovered a rogue Cyberman terrorizing an Aztec tribe in Mexico.”

“Aztecs!” The Doctor’s eyes light up. “Love the Aztecs.”

“I know, honey.” She smiles. “Thought you might like to come with – have a cup of chocolate while I save the day.”

“You always come up with the best dates,” he pouts.

“Not true,” she says, swaying toward him and momentarily forgetting about the third party still staring at her as she walks her fingers up his chest. “I had a lovely time during hurricane season on Anura. You’re delicious when you’re all wet.”

His eyes darken, lingering on her mouth. “So are you.”

River’s hearts flutter.

“Doctor?” Clara’s voice behind them startles them into releasing each other and they turn to see her watching them with interest. “Going to introduce me?”

“Oh, right!” The Doctor beams and gestures to River like a proud little boy during show and tell. “Clara Oswald, meet River Song.”

Clara sidles the rest of the way around the console and offers River a delicate hand. “Charmed.”

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