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      at some stage, you move on


"Love the braids Kingston."

Alex rolled her eyes, collapsing in to her chair backstage and waving off a stage-hand, smiling. "Shut up." She muttered, shaking her head and letting her right hand fall over her eyes.

"No, I'm serious." He defended, a clip to his tone that told her that yes, he was in fact smirking at her. "It's that magic space hair of yours. Didn't change a bit, did it?" She waits, because she knows he's not quite finished yet. He rarely ever is. "Bit fluffier back than though"

Rolling her eyes again, Alex leant forward and picked up her water bottle, lifting her shoulder to hold her phone in place as she untwisted the cap and whined softly. "Matthew!"

"What?! I think it's adorable. You're adorable Kingston." Again, he's defending. What, she's not entirely sure. Whether it's her hair or his foot-in-mouth ability that she adores so much. "You were rather cute you know."

Pursing her lips as she leant back once more, she lifts a brow and pouts. "Were?"

"Well, yeah. I can't very well call you cute now when half the time I speak to you I'm thinking pretty un-cute things. Though, that thing you do with your nose where it crinkles when you're near orga-"

"Matthew!" She repeats, louder this time as she near blushes. It's a new thing, blushing. She's rarely ever been so flummoxed and out of sorts. He seems to be able to bring that side of her back to the surface, past all that self-confidence and innuendo-ridden flirtations. With everyone else, the red-tinged cheeks are usually on their end. With Matt, it's all her.

Not that she hasn't had him blushing scarlet before.

"... Am I making you blush?"

Tight smile pursing her lips, Alex shook her head and bowed it, muttering 'Bastard' under her breath as she scolds him. "Shut up."

Matt laughed, something squeaking over the phone and she's almost certain now that he's reclined somewhere. The couch or the bed, one of them. "Never, love." He retorts, the lowness of his voice and the determined stubborness that is Matt slipping through the receiver and causing a shiver to run down her spine. It's been a while since they'd last seen each other. They seem to keep missing one another. Whilst one's on a flight to London, the other's on a flight to LA. It's terribly inconvenient but then she reminds herself - he'll be moving to the states soon. She'll be able to have him for months on end, no interrupted schedules or timezones, no international phone calls and skype at the most ridiculous of times. All she has to do is get through Macbeth, and he'll be here soon anyway. He's still got to film the Christmas episode. Then they can fly back together, stay together, be together.

It all sounds so romantacised.

She pauses for a moment, that nagging thought of 'Maybe this has gone too far' once again flitting through her mind. It's not the first time she's thought it, it certainly won't be the last. And she knows it's ridiculous. How many times must Matt prove how much he loves her? How hard must he work and how long must he wait? She calls herself a self-sabotager. Any relationship she's attempted after Flo has been near toxic, all on her end. She simply can't commit, or rather, she hasn't tried. Not until Matt all but barrelled down her front door and tackled her to the ground.

He may as well have, really.


She hums, completely distracted with her own thoughts as a knock sounds from her dressing room door. "Thinking about my sexy bod?" He teases, and Alex shakes her head, clearing her thoughts, snorting slightly as she stood from her seat. "Oh, definitely darling." Smiling, she crossed the room and reached out for the door handle. "The entire UK has noticed the new abs dear. In fact, I think it made front page news." Pausing at the door, hand gripping the handle, she scoffed at his response. "Jealous?"

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