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Four Times River Isn't At All Surprised, and One Time She Is



The first time he tries to surprise her, he’s foiled by their back-to-front-ish timelines and just the right amount of not paying attention.  He hands her the box, certainly not fidgeting or chewing his lip or presenting any other nervous habits as she opens it.  He expects confusion, that little delightful furrow in her brow and maybe initial disappointment; it is just a key, after all.  But instead she smiles, wistful, and brushes her fingers lovingly over the small brass skeleton key.

The Doctor looks from her to the key and back again.  ”It’s, uh.  It’s for the TARDIS. You know.  So you can get in if I’m not here, or…emergencies.” 

“It’s beautiful.”

He shifts from foot to foot.

“You can wear it on a chain or something if you want,” he says, “So you don’t lose it.  Not that you would, of course.  You’re good at keeping things, ah, safe.  Keys, diaries, spoilers.”  He scratches the back of his neck. “It’s a handy key, you know.  Opens lots of stuff, not just the TARDIS’s front door.”

“What, it opens the back door as well?” she returns with a smirk.

He half glares and continues rambling.  ”There’s a wardrobe on the fifth floor that’s always locked, you’ll need that to open it - there’s a dress in there that belonged to Marie Antoinette and you might, well, lose a head if you put it on.” He wrinkles his nose.  ”I don’t recommend it.  Also the second floor baths, third floor hop-scotch arena, the swimming pool at the end of the third hallway with the waterfall and the tide simulator - but don’t tell Rory, he thinks there’s just the one, and it’salsoformybedroom.”

River nods, unfazed, and closes the box.  ”Thank you, Doctor, but I can’t take this.”

Stunned, he stares at her blankly for a moment.  Then he clears his throat and straightens his jacket, quickly taking the box from her and turning away.  ”I see. Of course, I understand, no need for that, I’ll just pick you up as I have been—”


“-so there’s really no reason for you to come and go, since I’m always here anyway to let you in; silly idea, really, it—”


Her tone makes him stop and, bracing himself with a false smile, he turns to face her.  She’s smiling softly, bemusedly, her finger caught in a chain from around her neck, extending it outwards.  On it is a key, identical to the one in the box - same gold, same shape, but older, he can tell, and well-used.  Loved.

“I— oh.”

“You best give that to my younger self, dear,” she says, nodding toward his hand.  She lets the key drop back against her sternum, leaving it outside her clothes this time.

He points a finger at her. “You—”

She shakes her head.  ”This is why diaries come first, sweetie,” she scolds, but she steps closer and kisses his cheek.  ”Not surprises.”

Chuckling, he slips the key back into his pocket and tugs her closer, holding the chain around her neck in one hand for closer inspection.  ”Did I give you this, too?”

“That would be telling.”

Instead of pouting, he smiles.  ”You know, I think I did.  So!” He twirls away from her.  ”There’s an island in the space port of Gingi that makes the finest gold-yurut alloy in the all the universe, I bet they have chains, too, don’t you think?  In fact, I bet they have one just like that.  How about a paradox, Doctor Song?”

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