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         never but with you adjacent


The first time was quite by accident.

He likes to visit with River, in the nights when the Ponds sleep and he potters around his console, waiting for them to wake. One night, not long after America, he had decided that waiting for River to send for him was rather silly. He was after all, the Lord of Time and if he wanted to see her, he could.

So he had.

He’d picked her up while the Ponds slept, and they ran through the forests of Andlegva, trying to catch a pack of rogue Wisnals not native to the planet – or solar system really, and accidentally starting a small revolution while they were there.  Andlegva housed tribes separated by gender that joined only for mating seasons – the males ran the capitol while the rather Amazonian females owned the woods. River had, sufficed to say, left quite an impression. He’d scolded her all the way back to the TARDIS, but she’d only laughed, letting him drop her off and kissing him goodbye by the TARDIS doors.

He’d been happy his hands had stayed in one place this time.

She’d seemed happy that place happened to be located on her bum.

Amy and Rory had woken shortly thereafter and they had all gone on an adventure. With pirates. He had quite liked the hats. But he also quite liked the kissing, so he just kept visiting with River, every night the Ponds slept on the TARDIS.

He likes her, really. She is mad and clever and has all that hair. He likes her smile and that she never gives any spoilers away, even if those spoilers frustrate the hell out of him. She laughs, and her eyes brighten and he appreciates that. He also rather adores how well she can run, sprinting behind him; how very little he ever needs to explain to her and how tightly she grips his hand. He admires her thirst for the adventure, her spirited independence. He never has to take care of her (and if he’s honest – which he never is – she’s taken care ofhim on rather a few adventures) and he is fond of that too.

And he really quite likes the kissing.

Tonight they are tracking wyvern, somewhere in Wales in 1741. They didn’t expect to quite literally stumble across one – or her litter of babies – but the wyvern doesn’t seem to care to listen to his explanations and summarily not long after that he is holding River’s hand and running for his life.

There is a village ahead, and typically, a scad of screaming villagers scurrying about madly, all somehow managing to just get in the way. “If I have cover, I can load the tranqs,” River pants out behind him and he nods, his eyes scanning the area. There is a small house ahead of them, and they have a good length on the wyvern, so he grips her hand tighter and runs toward it. A broom is jammed in the doorway, low down but he ignores it, leaping over it and pulling River behind him. She slams against the wall of the house, loads her gun and ducks back around the doorway, neatly tranqing the wyvern, which falls to the ground  by the edge of the woods with a thunderous noise.

The broom’s not even been jostled and the Doctor grins smugly, feeling so full of awe that he leans into the doorway too and kisses her. She drops her gun immediately, both of her hands pushing through his hair as she hums, her mouth opening under his. He’d only meant to kiss her once – though really this all did count as once, it’s hardly his fault she is pressing her body against his and really once River Song’s tongue is wrapped around your own only a complete idiot would close his mouth. He is not a complete idiot. And she always tastes amazing and makes those little noises that he likes so much – they hum through him and make him feel things. Things like tingles and wibbles and wobbles, a shiver that trips down his spine and makes him wonder if those noises get any better given a more private location and a few free hours.

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