1.) balcony singing

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Colby's POV

I couldn't sleep at all last night. It was currently around four-thirty in the morning and I decide to go out on my balcony.

Ever since we moved into the new trap house I could only imagine our neighbors hate us. I mean we were loud twenty-four seven.

As I was sitting out on my balcony I hear the faint sound of a door closing. I could clearly see my neighbors back yard. I never really looked but I notice they have a balcony similar to mine. I see a girl sitting on an outside couch. She looks no more than twenty years old.

She has a guitar and she's strumming a beautiful pattern.

I'm under your control
I will never understand
I never should have said
"I love you"
You never said it back
So why do I still care for you?
That's all I see
When I look into your eyes
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be
Who knows all my secrets
Can pull me apart and break my heart
A soulmate who wasn't meant to be
(A soulmate who wasn't meant to be -Jess Benko)

I listen to her to finish the song and head back inside. Her voice was something I couldn't get out of my head. It was angelic. I lied down on my bed and fell asleep repeating the lyrics to her song in my head.

I woke up around eleven am and head downstairs. Seeing Corey in the kitchen I greet him.

"Morning brother," Corey said

"Morning." I pause as I get a glass of water. "Hey, have you ever noticed our neighbors to the left?"

"Yeah, she's a single mom with 2 kids."

"Wait. How old is she?" I ask

"She's around Forty. Her daughter is around nineteen and her son is twelve. I met her and her son a brief second when we were moving in."

So it was her daughter I saw on the balcony.

"Should we go over and introduce ourselves? I mean we lived here a month and didn't really say anything."

"We could, yeah."

Jake was at Tara's so Corey, Sam, and I made our way over to the neighbors' house.

Sam knocks and a boy opens the door.

"Mom someone at the door." The boy shouts

"Ok, Coda gave me a second." The woman replied.

She approaches the door and greets us

"Oh, you three must be the boys who just moved in next door. Come in come in."

"Hi my name is Sam and this is Corey and Colby." Sam introduces us.

"Nice to meet you my name is Melody Warren and this is my son Coda."

"Nice to meet you. Ms. Warren." I say

"Oh please call me Mel."

"Mom, Can I borrow the car I need- oh I didn't know we had guests." It's her the girl from last night.

"Rhy. This Sam, Colby, and Corey our new neighbors. Boys this is my daughter Rhyme." She walks down the stairs

Rhyme a beautiful name.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. Also nice to put a face to the yelling that's been going on" She waves as she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry about that."

"It's totally cool. This neighborhood has always been quiet up until you guys arrived. It inspires me."

I wonder what she meant by inspires her.

"Oh, boys would you like something to eat I just baked a cake," Mel said.

"Sure," Corey says.

"Who's birthday?" Sam asked.

"Both of theirs. Yesterday was Rhymes and today is Coda's'."

I watched as Rhyme and Coda sat at the island engaged in their own conversation.

"Oh happy birthday." Sam and Corey said.

"Thanks." They both said returning to the conversation with each other.

"Mom is it okay if I take Coda to the mall? I have to pick up a couple of things. And then I'll take him to soccer." Rhyme said

"Yes of course. Please be careful."

"Okay. Go get ready bud. I'll be down here." She ruffles up his hair.

"So what do you guys do for work?" Rhyme asks

This was always a hard question to answer because not most people agree with our line of work.

"We're social media influencers," Sam said

"Oh like YouTube and stuff." Said Ms.Mel


"Oh, that's nice. I'm a manager for some artist here in LA. I also manage Rhyme."

"Mom." She gave her mom a stern look.

Coda came back downstairs and said he was ready. They both left. Leaving the three of us with Ms.Mel.

"I always wonder how I got so lucky with those two," Ms.Mel admits

"How so?" I ask

"Well me and my siblings were never and close and affectionate like they are. I mean, of course, they fight all siblings do but Rhyme and Coda can't be mad at each other for more than 5 minutes before they're best friends again." She pauses. "Rhyme wants to protect her brother at all costs. About 4 years ago my daughter Lyric passed away."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss." We say.

"Thank you. We've all grown from it but Rhyme took it hardest. They were twins. It took her a year to finally understand that what happened wasn't her fault. And that Lyric is now in a better place. It's still a touchy subject for her so if you ever come over again try not to bring it up. She'll talk about it when she's ready."

"No problem." Said Corey

"You know ever since you guys moved in she's talked about you guys a lot."

"Oh really," Sam said

"She sits out on her balcony and laughs at all the commotion going on. It's also inspired her to start writing again."

"Writing?" I asked

"Yes. Earlier I mentioned I manage her. Rhyme's a singer. But since Lyric she hasn't really picked up her songbook. When you moved in I noticed it on her nightstand along with her guitar."

"Oh well, it's nice to know we had a positive effect." Corey laughed

"Well if you guys ever need anything we're one knock away. Oh, and you are welcome over anytime. I think it would really help her open up a bit more."

"Of course. It was very nice meeting you but we have to go." Sam said

"Sure thing boys."

We said our goodbyes and left back to our house.

Date: July 25, 2020
I decided to post this book. And put the other one on hold while I write more chapters for it. But as if now here's this book I've been writing it for about a month and have a couple of chapters done please vote and comment if you liked it.

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