13.) the truth

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the following chapter contains mentions of suicide which some readers might find disturbing.
viewer discretion is advised

Colby's POV

Reggie sent me my video he edited for Friday so I was sitting in my room looking over the footage when I heard a faint knock on my door.

"Come in," I said in a rude tone.

The guys have been filming and doing skits all day. So they've been knocking on my door every five seconds, needless to say, I was annoyed and irritated.

"Is this a bad time?" Rhyme asked peeking her head through the door.

"Oh, sorry. No yeah, come in." I said closing my laptop and walking over to give her a hug. "They guys have been annoying me all day I thought it was them."

"Oh. Um well, can we talk?" She asked fiddling with the sleeves of her sweater.

"Yeah..." I say nervousness showing through.

"Let's sit." She said point to the couch. "Okay so I made a YouTube channel," she started as we sat down.

"That's great!" I exclaim.

"And I posted a video. But I wanted to show you before I tell anyone else or even post that I uploaded on my other socials." She paused looking down. She was obviously nervous or sad even.

"Rhyme, what's up," I said lifting her chin.

"I know I don't talk about her much, and you and I have become so close, Colby. You are one of my best friends and you deserve to know the truth. I just- I've been wanting to tell you and I just didn't know how to. It's really hard talking about her. I miss her so much it hurts Colby." She said crying. I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm right here okay," I say rubbing her back.

"I'm gonna send you the link, and you can watch it. I'll be in bed." She said standing up and walking to the bed getting under the covers.

I pressed play once the link was sent.

I thought I knew everything about Rhyme. Well turns out I don't. And that's okay, there are somethings that she's not comfortable talking about I'm not gonna force her to tell me. She will on her own time. I knew in due time she was going to talk more about Lyric. I hadn't known about how she passed away. I didn't know about her dad.

I knew everything else. I knew the only family she had was her mom and brother. I knew her favorite color was yellow because it was bright, she wasn't into dark colors unless she's wearing them. I knew the facial expressions she would give if she disliked something, or if she loved it.

I knew she graduated a year earlier because she didn't like school and took extra classes to get it over with. I knew even though she's a singer she absolutely hated her choir class. I knew she broke her arm in the first grade trying to learn how to ride a bike. I knew she and Lyric taught Coda how to play soccer. I knew she was really awkward in high school.

I knew that she looked up to Sam as a brother. I knew she loved hanging out with Jake and Corey because they make her feel like a kid again. I knew she loved watching scary movies with me. I knew she would spend most of her time over at my house to make sure I was okay.

I knew she like to grab onto my shirt if she was having a nightmare. I knew she liked to trace my kingdom hearts tattoo when we were laying together in a deep talk. I knew how she wanted to get a tattoo somewhere her mom couldn't see. I knew a lot about her.

But her opening up about this is something that's going to alter our relationship, for the better, I will understand her more and love her more than I already do.

The video ended and I had tears in my eyes. I hadn't known that Rhyme considered taking her own life. The thought of not having her with me was something I didn't ever want to have.

Lyric didn't deserve to die the way she had. I bet she was a wonderful girl and I wish I'd met her. I felt like Rhyme blamed herself for not knowing what was going on in Lyrics head. It wasn't her fault at all.

I stood up from where I was and walk over to Rhyme in the bed. I sat down and she rolled over towards me, tears in her eyes. I took my thumb and wiped them away. I pulled her in for a hug.

"I am so sorry. I can't imagine the pain you went through. I can't imagine how you feel right now. But Rhyme I want you to know that I will be here for you. Like you are for me. Okay, I don't want you to ever feel like you did then. I need you Rhyme, more than you think. More than I think. You're the reason I'm more lively. I am going to be here till the end of time okay." I said rubbing her back once again as she sobbed into my shoulder.

I was crying with her. No one deserves to find their sister in such a state.

"Thank you." She said sitting up wiping the tears from her face.

We sat there looking each other in the eyes. I felt the need to lean in but before I could start she grabbed the sides of my face crashing her lips into mine. I was shocked before I kissed back. Our lips moved together perfectly She leaned back not breaking the kiss and I followed her. Eventually, I was hovering over her the kiss was getting heated.

My hands were gripping her waist as hers were tangled in my hair. I broke the kiss and we both sat up.

"God Rhyme, what the fuck are you doing to me." I chuckled.

"Wow. I hope it's something good." She giggled.

"It's euphoric." I simply say before leaning in and kissing her again.

Rhyme's POV

Once our lips touched, sparks flew. That kiss felt like my first kiss ever. It felt like Oxygen when I've been drowning. I wanted more. I wanted him. No. I needed him.

We kissed again. And the feeling I had the first time seemed to only get stronger rather than fade away.

We had ended up falling asleep, my back against his chest as his arm wrapped around my waist, my arm laid on top of his interlocking our fingers. His head found the crook of my neck.

That sleep was the best sleep I'd ever had. Knowing that it was with

The love of my life.

Date: sep.9.20
AHHHHHHH that it that's the note

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