18.) Colby's song

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Rhyme's POV

"So how do you want to do this?" Sam asked.

"I want to film it for sure. But I don't really know where or how to get him there." I say

"Oh, I know the perfect place," Kat said

"Spill," I say

"There's this ballroom out in San Diego it's beautiful there's a huge grand piano in the back we could move it to the middle to look better," She said

"Ok, how do we get him there. It's going to be a surprise." I said

"What are we talking about?" Asked Jake walking into my room with Tara.

Sam, Kat, and now Tara, Jake, and I are in my game room discussing how I am going to surprise Colby with the song I wrote for him.

"How we're going to get Colby to San Diego for a surprise," Sam said

"I could drive him there just give me a time and place," Jake said

"You have to film with Reggie. Plus I think she wants Colby to get there alive." Tara jokes

"Reggie can wait. I want to be apart of the surprise." Jake said jumping up and down

"Ok how about this. Tara, you drive Colby there. Sam and Jake can film. Me, Sam, and Kat will drive there two hours before to set everything up. And I'll text him an hour before telling him to dress nicely." I say

"Sounds like a plan," Kat said

Everyone agrees and we continue to plan and call the venue to see if they have an opening, which they do Sam sets up a time, and once that's done they go home.

Colby was out filming with Kevin and Corey. So I called Devyn and Xepher asked if they would do my make up and help me pick out an outfit. Of course, they said yes.

I didn't see Colby at all today it kinda sucked we've been with each other every day for the past seven months. We've been together for three of them. But we both needed a good break and I think a day and a half is enough.

I go to sleep for the night slightly worried about the next day.


I woke up to the sun beaming through my window. I sit up and take my phone out to see a message from Colby

my love🤍💫
wyd today? wanna hang out text me when u wake up.

I chose to be very vague

my girl🖤✨

my love🤍💫
okay🥺 love you

I left him on read. I hate it just as much as he does but to make this work I have to do it.

I ended up going for a run. I had ran about four miles in total. I was jogging my way up to my house when the trap house gate opened and Colby came out with the trash, he looked my way but I had turned around and ran around the corner. I could hear him calling my name. I freaked out so I took my phone out when I knew he couldn't see me and called Sam

"What's up?" He asked

"Colby saw me literally run away from him. You need to get him inside and make him stay inside. If he asks about me or seems worried just tell him you're sure nothing's wrong okay." I said

"Got it. Keep Colby hostage and calm." He said

I chuckle and turn around and walk back to my house taking my time to make sure Sam's got Colby inside. I peek my head around the corner and see an empty street so I jog up to my house.

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