11.) devyn's boyfriend

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Rhyme's POV

Katrina and Tara decided to come over to my house on my day away from Colby. I hadn't really had the time to have some girl time with them.

We were in my game room watching a really shitty rom-com eating snacks when Tara spoke up.

"Did you guys meet Devyn's new boyfriend?" Tara asked

"Yeah, dude he is something else," Kat said.

"I haven't met him. But Devyn told me about him. She seems not that enthusiastic I mean Xeph told me that he didn't last long if you know what I mean" I say

"He's, well how do I put this nicely," Kat said

"You can't, dudes a dick," Tara said

"Wait really," I say.

"Yeah he's gonna be at the trap house tonight you gonna be there?" Kat asked

"I guess I am," I say

"But I swear if he says one thing disrespectful to Devyn I will kick him in the balls." Tara laughed

We hung out until they decided to go back to the trap house and get ready. I did the same, taking a shower, doing my hair and makeup. I ended up wearing Black ripped mom jeans with my favorite red tube top and air force ones. Once I was done I hear my phone ding.

are you coming over today?

i am.

okay everyone's gonna be here
and my anxiety is thru the roof

i'm heading over right now
💞 see you in a sec

I grabbed my keys and phone. Letting my mom know where I would be even though she knew where I was. I was always either at home or at Colby's.

I took the short walk and opened the door to be greeted with all my friends.

"Devyn's boyfriend is here," Tara said running up to me with Kat.

Kat pulled me into the kitchen where Devyn sat with the mystery man. Sam and Colby were also there obviously annoyed with the boy talking.

"Hey, Rhyme," Colby said walking towards me. He instantly engulfed me in a hug nuzzling his head in my neck.

"Hey, bub," I say pulling away. He leaves his arm around my waist.

"Rhyme this is Trevor, my boyfriend." Devyn introduces us.

"Yo nice to meet you." He said standing up eyeing me up and down.

"Hi," I say taking his hand. His grip was tight. But so was Colby's around my waist.

I pulled my hand away from him and looked at Colby to insure him I was fine. He relaxed and guided me out of the room.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, I just don't like how he was looking at you." He said

"Is someone jealous?" I ask

"I- he has a girlfriend he shouldn't look at you like that." He looks away from me failing at trying to hide the blush that crept on his face.

"I'm playing. But dude has a tight grip, I swear my hand might bruise." I said

Colby frowned.

Everyone eventually made their way outside. Sam with Kat. Jake with Tara. Devyn with Trevor. Me with Colby.

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