10.) my home

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Rhyme's POV

It's been a week. One week and I've stayed at the trap house every day since. Every once and awhile I'll go back to my house for some clothes or to hang out with Coda for an hour but I always come back at the end of the day, despite Colby telling me to stay at my house for at least one night.


"Yes, love?"

"Can we go out today? I want to get out of the house." Colby said

"Yeah, we can. What do you want to do?" I ask

"I don't know. Can we get chipotle and then see where it takes us?"

"Sure." I get up and get my keys putting my shoes on and go downstairs while I wait for Colby.

"How's he doing?" Sam asked

"Better. He asked to go out for food right now." I say

"That's a good sign." He said

"It is, its progress."

"I'm glad you can be there for him in ways I can't." He admits

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you've been here for a week sleeping in the same bed as him making sure he's okay. I can't be there for him twenty-four/seven like you are." He said

"He's really got me wrapped around his little finger huh." I laugh

"Yeah, but you want to be here so." He gives me a suggestive smirk.

"You're not wrong Sammy boy." He looks at me with his brows raised. "He's everything to me, Sam. Even if he isn't mine, I am completely and utterly his. Under every circumstance." I admit to my brotherly like friend.

"You love him don't you?" He asked

"I think so, Sam."

"You ready?" Colby asks finally coming out of his room.

"Yeah. We'll be back later Sam."

"Tell him." He says to me before leaving to his room.

"What were y'all talking about?" Colby asked

"His new video idea," I say

"Oh okay."

We head out of the house and into my car. The whole ride there we listened to music and as I would sing the lyrics to the song I could see Colby looking at me smiling. A genuine smile. It made me happy to see him smile. He hadn't in the past week, well, at least not a real one. I turned the music down

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, I love it when you sing." He blushes as he looks away

We finally arrive at a chipotle and get our food. We decided to got to a park and eat our food there.

We find a park table and Colby sits across from me. We ate and talked about everything. He told me about his adventure days back in high school with Sam. I started talking about lyric for once.

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