3.) soccer game

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Colby's POV

I look at the time and it's now twelve o'clock. I spent five hours with rhyme just talking and getting familiar with the house. She's really sweet. The whole family is.

I walk in the front door and into the main living room.

"Hey man, where were you?" Sam ask

"The neighbors," I said

"Dude I don't mean to be vulgar but her daughter was hot," Corey said

"Dude. Don't" I say.

"Ou does Colby have a crush?" Jake jokes.

"I barely just met her," I said

"Plus she's our neighbor that would be weird," Sam adds

"What are we doing before everyone comes over?" Corey asked

"Nothing. We have everything we need." Sam said

"Ugh. Bro, we have like seven hours what are we gonna do?" Said Jake.

"You said Rhyme's home right. Maybe we could hang with her until then. Jake could meet them." Corey suggested

"Coda's got a game in an hour and Rhyme's getting ready," I say

"What kind of game?" Asked Jake.


"Can you ask her if we could go?" Jake asked

"That's actually not a bad idea," Sam said

"Okay. I'll ask."

I text Rhyme asking if we could go and she said yes. I tell the boys. And we all get ready.

Rhyme's POV

I'm in my room when I hear the doorbell. I head downstairs with all my stuff and rush out.

"Ok, so the games in like fifteen minutes and the field is thirty minutes away meaning it's forty-five California traffic time. We are LATE. Come on we're taking the rover." I say pointing to my car

"Shotgun." Colby yells

"You know what Colby I didn't even want to sit in the front anyway," Corey said

We all pile into my Range Rover. I let Colby connect to the Bluetooth and play whatever he wanted to while on the way.

We're ten minutes away from the field my mom calls.

"Colby put it on speaker."

He grabs my phone and answered it putting out on speaker.


"Rhyme where are you?"

"I'm ten minutes away traffic is bad."

"Well try and hurry Coda's looking for you."

"Tell him I'm on my way. Oh by the way the boys asked if they can come I said yes if that's okay with you."

"That's fine I'm sure Coda will love the support."

"Ok, I'll see you in ten."

"Ok bye be safe I love you."

"Love you too."

She hung up and we continued our ride. I talked mostly to the other guy Jake. He was cool, he reminded me a lot of Coda.

We get to the field and I head to the bleachers spotting my mom immediately.

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