19.) mature content 🔞

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(You don't have to read this chapter if you don't want to, the chapter after this is the last chapter and has nothing to do with this chapter. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT AND IS VERY GRAPHIC)

A/n: i re read this today and it's so bad i- i hate myself for even writing this also it was my first time writing smut ever and it's just bad

Rhyme's POV

We made it back to the house and once we got inside Colby pinned me to the front door crashing his lips into mine. I kiss back with just as much passion.

In the three months Colby and I have been together we've never done anything beyond kissing and leaving hickeys in really explicit parts of our body. Let's just say my thighs look like someone shot me twelve times with a paintball gun.

I wanted so bad to jump his bones but he wanted our first time together to be special and I respect that.

Colby leads me up the stairs to his room once the door is closed he kissed me once again, his hand snaked to the back of my dress unzipping it painfully slow as the straps had fallen off my shoulders.

My hands go to the three buttons of Colby's shirt and undo them. He throws his shirt somewhere on the floor I drag my hands down his toned abdomen. I bit my lip as I take in the view.

He finally lets my dress fall to the floor, his eyes immediately look to my exposed chest. I watch as he licks his lips. He then pushes me onto the bed. His hands slowly and lightly trace from my waist up the sides of my breast. He looks at me for reassurance. I smile and nod he quickly cups my breast. I let out a breathy moan from the feeling. He lightly kissed my lips going to my neck, Sucking the skin and leaving dark hickeys.

I sit up and work with the buckle of his belt I finally undo it and start with his pants, he takes them off for me and I smirk seeing the bulge he has craving for a taste, somehow I know that's not going to happen tonight. He joins me on the bed and hovers over me.

Colby starts to kiss down my neck and the valley between my breast down my stomach. my skin burns from the feeling of him leaving sloppy wet kisses to trail down my body. He reached the hem of my black Lacey thong and wrapped his arms around my legs. He starts kissing the inside of my thigh and I watch with an intense stare wishing he would give me the pleasure I've been longing for. As he gets closer and closer to the spot where I want him, where I need him, he finally leaves a kiss on my clothed core and I let out another breathy moan.

"Colby please," I say with desperation obvious in my voice. I want him to do something anything, almost desperate to flip us over and take control.

"What my love?" He ask. He knows exactly what I want.

I look at him with pleading eyes. "Please me, baby," I say, the words leaving my mouth pathetically.

"I can't give you what you want unless you tell me what you want," he said making me feel small in the best way possible.

My cheeks tinged pink "I want you to-" I pause slightly embarrassed. No one's ever asked me what I wanted they just did what they wanted I'm sure if it were anyone else I would be incredibly uncomfortable but Colby makes this situation extremely hot and I become more frustrated as I mindlessly buck my hips up.

All this teasing was infuriating as my throbbing core aches for the release I wanted, Colby loves to take his sweet time, but being pent up like I was, I knew I wasn't going to last long.

"To what baby?" He asked again with his eyebrows raised looking up at me from between my legs innocently, while his arms hold my waist down to stop my movements.

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