12.) for Lyric

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the following chapter contains mentions of suicide which some readers might find disturbing.
viewer discretion is advised

Rhyme's POV

"Hey my name is rhyme and you may or may not know me. If you don't, Hi, I'm a singer-songwriter I have a couple of songs that I think are okay. If you do, hi this is my new channel. I don't really know what I want to post on here I could do covers or my songs I'm working on, vlogs I don't know. You probably know me from either my music or the trap house. My best friends." I laugh.

"Well, I wanted to sit down and talk about something. So you guys are aware that it is September. Which is known and suicide prevention month. And I wanted to make this video to talk about my struggles with suicide." I pause.

"You probably don't know this because I don't talk about it much but I had a sister. A twin sister in fact. She was my best friend I loved her so much. Her name was Lyric."

"Lyric was the best sister anyone could ask for. She was always there for me. But what I didn't know was that she was depressed. Severely depressed. She always hid it. I didn't know, our mom didn't know. To us, she always seemed to be happy. Very happy. But underneath she was struggling. When we were sixteen. She unfortunately took her own life. She overdosed on pills. I found her. She was laying in her bathroom on the floor and I called for my mom. My mom called an ambulance and she told me to make sure my little brother, Coda, didn't see." I paused letting the tears fall.

"After Lyric died. I stopped doing the things that I loved. I stopped singing, I stopped writing, I stopped caring, I felt like I had no reason to live anymore. I started to think of ways I could take my life. I sat in my room crying for hours. For days. And I realized I couldn't put that on my mother again. I couldn't make her go through the pain of losing both of her daughters due to losing their fight against life. I couldn't leave my little brother confused why both of his big sisters were gone with no explanation. I realized I had to live for them. And for lyric."

"So I wanted to let you guys know. If you are going through something like this please know that you are not alone. I know you might feel like you are but I promise you. There is someone out there willing to help you. Please talk to someone."

"I wrote a song for Lyric." I turn to my laptop and play the music.

Suicide, baby, it's the worst
Think about the people that you'll hurt
They won't even care about the things I'll choose to do
Because all I am is all that I've been through

My skin is very young
But my heart is very old
My mind thinks lips and tongue
But my bones decide my home
My fears ran through my lungs
And my eyes only saw gold
My room's where my throat hung
And my fingers turned purple

It's not worth it, baby, I would know
My mom walked in her sunny day went to snow
What's the point of being here, baby, I won't see them cry
I'll be somewhere in the clouds, I hope, tonight

My skin is very young
But my heart is very old
My mind thinks lips and tongue
But my bones decide my home
My fears ran through my lungs
And my eyes only saw gold
My room's where my throat hung
And my fingers turned purple

Then I saw that death was not my treasure
That my life was headed for gold
When my gold-chained-noose applied some pressure
I fought till I bled cold

My skin is very young
But my heart is very old
My mind thinks lips and tongue
But my bones decide my home
My fears ran through my lungs
And my eyes only saw gold
My room's where my throat hung
And my fingers turned purple
(Suicide- Isaac Dunbar)

I look up to the camera.

"I know that you feel stuck, like there's no way out but I promise you there is. Someone out there needs you. Someone out there loves you. And if you don't think about one does, just remember I do. I love you. And if you feel like you can't talk to anyone please dm me. I try to respond to everyone I can. I see you. I will get to you." I pause.

"Your life on earth is so much more valuable than you think it is. Please keep trying, please hold on to the hope you have."

"Thank you so much for watching. For listening to my story. All my social media will be linked down below. Feel free to dm me to vent. If you are struggling call the hotline.

I stood up and turned the camera off and let out a big sigh.

I took the SD card and inserted it into my laptop uploading the video into YouTube instead of editing first. I wanted this video to be real, raw, and uncut.

Date: sep.5.20
This chapter is not only a chapter. But it's me telling you that you are not alone. I am here for each and every one of you. PLEASE text me if you feel like you need to talk I am always here. My Twitter is @/BrockssCorpse if you want to talk.

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