17.) dad talk

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Rhyme's POV

Both Colby and I knew that getting into a relationship we would have to tell the fans eventually, I just didn't think it would be this soon. I'm sitting on the couch in Colby's room as he sits next to me telling me we should announce to the fans about us. I mean both of our fan bases were speculating that we were together. I was always in the guys' videos sitting with Colby or we were in the background of our friends' stories. I'm sure someone tweeted a picture of Colby and I kissing in a Target, we always tried to be careful with that type of stuff. I mean we were never too touchy in public or in videos.

"We could do a tag or we could just say it nonchalantly," Colby said excitedly

"You don't think it's too early?" I ask. I could see his smile falter. "I mean I would love to be public with you, I hate hiding and having to be careful in public, but you didn't even tell people about your last relationship and you were with her for a whole year. I just thought that you would want to wait longer." I quickly add

"Well I just- I'm one hundred percent sure about you, and telling the fans," he said.

"Okay then, how about we do reacting to fan edits of us, you know the ones that ship us or the alternate universe ones. And then at the end, we could tell them that we are in fact together.'

"That is the perfect idea." Colby smiled and kissed my cheek "I love you."

"I love you."

Colby told me we would film in about twenty minutes. I nodded my head and left the room. I was nervous about telling the fans that we were together. I mean, of course, I wanted to but I don't know if I was ready for all the hate I would be getting. I mean there are twelve-year-old girls out there who are so infatuated with Colby and their imaginations run so wild they truly believe that Colby is going to be with them. I think it's funny when they comment under my Instagram post and are like 'stay away from Colby he's mine' those don't really bother me. It's the ones that are going to tell me to kill myself or bring up Lyric.

I pull myself out of my thoughts when Jake asked me if I wanted Taco

"Oh um Nah I don't really like taco bell, or Mexican at all of that matter," I say

The other boys in the room looked at me like I was crazy

"You don't like Taco Bell?" jake asked

"Taco bell's hardly Mexican jake. But you don't like Mexican?" asked Sam

"Wait what about chipotle?" asked Corey

"I like chipotle. And not really like I'll eat it but it's not my first choice."

"What is?" Jake asked

"Italian," I said

At some point, Colby came downstairs and joined into the conversation.

"Why Italian?" Corey asked

"I grew up with it. I am Italian, my nonna would make us food for the holidays."

"You're Italian? I mean not to be rude your mom is white and your last name is Warren, how does that work?" Sam asked

"Right um, my dad is a full Italian, but when I turned eighteen I changed my last name to my moms maiden name," I say

"Why? What happened to your dad?" Colby asked

"That's a story for another day. Are you ready?" I asked Colby.

He simply just nodded. He could sense that I didn't want to talk about my dad. I'm almost sure he knew that I didn't want to be associated with my dad at all. He saw what was engraved on Lyrics headstone.

I sat down in front of the camera that had been set up and he sat with me.

"What's up guys Colby here. Obviously, I'm with Rhyme, and today we're going to watch some fan edits of us. Now I've saved some on Instagram and chose some compilations on YouTube."

I waved and smiled at the camera as he introduced me. We watched a lot of edits making comments on each of them of how they're cute.

"Alright guys that's all we have for today. Anything to say Rhyme?" Colby asked once we were done

"You guys make him seem like the best boyfriend in the entire world." I laugh

"Am I not?" He asked smiling

"No, you kick in your sleep. You also hold your grip when I try to get up. Which is cute but not fun when I have to pee." I say

"Ok but what about the dates I take you on?" He asked

"Oh those yeah those are fun. I love them."

"Oh wait did we even tell the fans?"

"I don't think so."

"Hey guys Rhyme's my girlfriend," he said

"I hope you guys like me just as much as you like Colby." I chuckle nervously

He closed off the video along with saying that if they were real fans they would support his decision in having a girlfriend and to not send hate my way.

He turned the camera off and I lied down sprawling myself on the couch. Colby lied down on top of me putting his head in my chest. My hand instantly reached up to his head to play with his hair. He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes at the feeling.

Then he asked the one question I dreaded answering.

"So where is your dad? I mean I notice all the pictures in your house were just you, Coda, and your mom some with Lyric." He sat up and I followed

"Well, My dad was cool for the first eight years of my life. But when my mom got pregnant with Coda, everything changed he started distancing himself from all of us. One day he was just gone. I woke up from a nightmare that morning and went into my parents' room and all of his stuff was gone. His clothes, shoes, and pictures were gone. His office was completely cleared out. And I went downstairs looking for my mom and she was sitting at the island with a piece of paper that has something written on it. I asked her where dad was and she said "he's gone baby, he's not coming back." She started to cry and I couldn't do anything but hug her. I had to be strong. For her. That's why Lyrics headstone said Romano that's our dads last name. And now that I think about it I don't think I've ever cried about my dad leaving."

"Wow. I'm sorry. I can't imagine the hurt you felt."

"It wasn't really hurt. More like betrayal or abandonment. I mean don't get me wrong it still sucked but I just wish he would at least reach out to us. I mean I got to know him I got to enjoy my time with him but Coda, he never got to know his dad. I had to teach him everything. I had to play dad. When that was his fucking job. And what hurts me the most is he didn't even bother showing up for Lyric's funeral. His own daughter died and he didn't even bother to call." I didn't even realize but I had been crying.

Colby looked at me with sadness in his eyes before pulling me into his chest and hugging me.

"Shh, it's okay. You don't need him. He obviously didn't care Rhy. All he would have done for you is hold you down. You needed to lose him in order to flourish. In order to thrive."

"It's hard I was eight and had to help my mom raise a boy. She's never had to do that before. I just feel bad for Coda he doesn't have one guy in his life there are things he can't talk to me or my mom about." I said

"Yes, he does Rhyme. He has me okay. He's my little brother too now. I will answer all his questions I will teach him things boys need to know. We're a family now remember." He said caressing my face and pushing hair behind my ears.

I nod and lay onto him like he had to me.

Date: oct.3.20
(On October 3rd He asked me what day it was "it's October 3rd.")
This chapter kinda SUCKS but the story of Rhyme's dad is revealed.

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