16.) family now

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Colby's pov

I woke up to a dip in my bed, I reach my arm out to pull Rhyme closer to me but I realize she isn't there. I sit up and see her sitting on the couch. I hear a faint sniffle. I make my way over to her and sit down. I rub small circles in her back.

"Hi, baby." She said smiling at me as a tear runs down her face.

"It's early. Are you going home?" She nods

"My mom wants to go visit Lyric. I don't know if I have the strength to go." She admits.

"Would it make you feel better if I go with you?" I ask

"No baby. You don't have to, I can do it I just miss her so much." She said

"I know my love, but I want to be there for you." She smiles at me and agrees

We stand up and I give her a hug. She leaves to go get ready and I'm left in my room.

I take a shower and I think about last night and smile to myself.

I meant every single word I said to her, she is the love of my life. It took me a while to realize it, Rhyme is the best thing to have ever happen to me.

I end up wearing black jeans with a regular black hoodie and my white air forces.

I head downstairs and out the door meeting Rhyme in her black Range Rover.

"Are you ready?" I ask

"I guess I have no choice huh?"

I give her a sad smile and we drive off. The ride there is silent you could hear a pin drop. I didn't want to talk, and Rhyme obviously didn't want to talk so I left it there and didn't push her to talk.

We arrived at the cemetery. Rhyme put the car in park behind her moms and sighed as Coda and Ms. Mel got out and headed to I'm guessing Lyrics grave.

Rhyme's lap filled with tears as she finally looked up and wiped the tears from her face. We both got out of the car and I took her hand. Her grip was tight as we walked towards Lyrics grave.

Once we approached the others the family sat down next to the headstone and I follow sitting in between Rhyme and Coda.

"Hey Lyric, I know we haven't come to visit in a while, but we miss you." Ms. Mel said

"I wish you were here to see me play, I mean, I know you're watching me but I wish you were here to cheer me on," Coda said

"I met someone, he's not like the others." She looks up at me and gives my hand a squeeze. "You would like him. He's good for me. He reminds me of you in a way. I've started to write again since I met him. I wish you could have met him. His name is Colby, he's actually here. If he wasn't I don't know if I would have the strength to even talk. I miss you Lyric. So much. I just want to give you a hug, a chance to say goodbye. But I know it was hard for you. I forgive you." She says as she lets out a sob.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me. I look to my left and see Coda crying. Which is a sight I'd never thought I'd see. Coda is such a strong kid. I mean the kid has gone to Hell and back and he isn't even 15 yet. I feel for him. I set my hand on his back and rub circles trying to calm him. His eyes meet mine and he leans into me hugging both Rhyme and I. Rhyme loosens her grip on me and wraps her arms around Coda and me.

Coda had grown to be my little brother. I've never had a little brother but I'm in his life now and he is in mine. I tend to be the best big brother to him. He's had to have girls teach him everything and I would guess it's hard. He can't talk to them about things he would be able to with a father figure or brother, but now he had me.

"I know it's hard," I say rubbing both of their backs.

I feel a hand on my shoulder I look up and meet eyes with Ms. Mel

"Thank you." She mouthed to me.

"You're welcome." I mouth back with tears in my eyes.

They pull back and wipe the tears from their faces.

"Colby if you have anything to say you can." Ms. Mel said

"Okay. Hi Lyric. Um, I'm the guy Rhyme was talking about. I know I didn't meet you but with the stories Rhyme's told me I wish I did. I think we would've been really good friends. I absolutely adore your family. Especially you're sister. That girl drives me crazy. And Coda man, that kid has so much adrenaline, props to you for teaching the kid soccer. It must have been hard. You're moms great too. She reminds me of my mom. And it feels good to have that motherly figure. My moms back in Kansas so having Ms. Mel here in La makes things easier I guess. Lyric, I promise you I will take care of you're sister. She means the world to me. Not only Rhyme but Coda and your mom. They're my family too now." I say as a single tear runs down my face.

The family shared stories about Lyric and the trouble the two girls would get into as toddlers.

"Oh my I remember the time you both had gotten into a canister of tea, and I don't know how but Lyric had somehow gotten water so Rhyme poured the tea mix on the floor and Lyric added the water. I came into the kitchen to see you both completely covered in the stuff. Oh, your dad was furious." Ms. Mel said

The air got thick at the mention of their dad. I don't know the story but I don't ask.

I look down at the headstone and see What's written on it.

Lyric Harlow Romano

Coda and Rhyme's last name is Warren. I look at it confused and I guess Rhyme noticed because she pulled her hand from me and stood up.

"I think it's time." She said

"Yeah, we've been here a good two hours." Ms. Mel said

We all stood up walking towards the cars. Before getting in Rhyme's I feel a small hand grab mine.

"Thank you, for bringing my sister back. She wasn't her self until she met you." Coda said hugging me again.

"You're welcome bud, hey just know, if you need to talk about bro stuff, things you can't ask Rhyme or your mom, I'm just next door. I'm willing to talk okay. I meant what I said. You're like my little brother now Coda. I care about you and I know it's hard growing up in an all-female household. You feel like you gotta be the man of the house. Well, I'm here now. You get to be a kid. I'll take care of them in ways you can't okay." I say

"Thank you." He said

"You're welcome."

"Welcome to the family Colby." He said

I smile and we get into the two cars.

That kid is going places.

I get back into the car with Rhyme and we head back home.

Date: sep.24.20
This chapter was kinda sad :(

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