7.) ex boyfriend

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Colby's POV

When Rhyme asked me why I hugged her it made me feel like I was making her uncomfortable. That's the last thing I would ever want for her. When she told me she loved affection I was relieved.

Rhyme has been a really good friend this past couple of weeks she's made me chill out instead of being so stressed. She knows what to say and when to say it.

I lied there my arms around her waist legs tangled in hers. We stayed like that all night not realizing we had fallen asleep.

When I had woken up we were both still on the couch. Rhyme was on her phone but still in the same place. I pulled her closer to me nuzzling my head in her neck.

"Good morning." She said


"Colby." She said and I hummed in response. "I spent the night."

"You did," I said as I looked back up at her

"With you. In your room. I've never stayed the night here before."


She looked away from me blushing.

"You're cute," I said getting up. "Come on let's go downstairs."

We both headed downstairs. I opened our cabinets and pulled out bread.

"So Rhyme could you be a dear and make me some of your famous Avocado toast?"

"Sure. Do you even have the right seasonings?" She asked

"Um, I can check. Which ones did you use?"

"I can't tell you that homie. It's a secret." She walked up to the cabinet and looked to see if we had the ones she needed. "You have them."

She started to get everything she needed for it and put the bread in the toaster.

"So about last night," I said

"What about it?" She asked

"Does that mean anything?"

"I spent the night with you Colby. If you don't want it to mean anything then it doesn't have to." She said

"Okay. But what if I kinda liked it. And maybe want it to happen again." I said

"Then ask. I'm sure I could make that happen." She said not looking at me.

We ate our food once it was done. And made some for the rest of the guys. They all enjoyed it.

"Well, I'm going to head home. I need to shower and get ready for the day." She said

"Can I go with you?" I ask.

"Sure you'll probably be in my room for about an hour and a half though."

"That's fine. I'll see you guys later." I say.

We walk to her house and she opens the door and we hear another voice. A male voice in fact. He had to be in his twenty's. Rhyme looked over me in confusion then annoyance washed over her face. We walk to the kitchen and he turned around.

"Rhyme, my love." He said walking over to Rhyme and hugging her.

'My love' who is this guy

She hesitantly hugged him back before pulling away.

"Hey Rhyme. Sage said you invited him over for lunch." Ms. Mel said

"Did I? Huh, must have forgotten." Rhyme said with sarcasm.

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