5.) new friends?

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Rhyme's POV

Colby sat down on the couch and I sat next to him.

"Y'all were up there a while. Everything good?" Jake asked smirking.

"Yea just talking," I said.

"Kat and Tara are here," Sam said looking up from his phone.

"Kat and Tara?" I asked looking at Colby.

"Kat is Sam's girlfriend and Tara is Jake's."

"Oh. Do you all have girlfriends?" I ask.

"No Corey and I are single. But you're gonna meet Devyn today. Just to let you know Corey and Dev used to be together but they broke up about a year ago." He said

"Ok. What about you? Talking to anyone? Or got an ex?" I ask joking.

"Nah. I'm not really looking for a girlfriend. I mean it'll happen when it happens. But I'm not really putting myself out there and trying."

"Good to know," I say getting up.

Jake had walked off into the kitchen so I went with him.

"Want something to drink?" Jake asked.


"Jakeyyyy." A short brown-haired girl said.

She was cute she had two bleached pieces of hair in the front. She had a very e-girl type style it suited her.

"Hey, babe. This is Rhyme our neighbor."

"Hi, I'm Tara." She said bringing out her hand for me to shake

"Hi, it's nice to meet you."

"So you have to live next to them and hear all the craziness. I apologize." She laughed.

"I really don't mind it. This neighborhood has always been quiet. It brings energy." I say

"Hey, Rhyme meet my girlfriend Katrina. Everyone calls her Kat. Kat this is our neighbor Rhyme." Sam said

"Ou another girl. Thank god we were flooded with boys." She says shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you."

Jake and Tara has walked off outside by the pool and Sam and Kat sat at the island.

"So much for that drink." I laughed. "May I?" I ask Sam.

"Oh yeah take anything you want." He said

I ended up grabbing a pineapple white claw and found myself outside with Jake, Tara, and Corey.

"So Rhyme how old are you?" Tara asked

"I just turned twenty like two days ago."

"Oh, happy late birthday. What did you do?"

"Nothing I just hung out with my mom and brother."

"Ok really." She had a really excited look on her face and whispered in Jake's ear. He smiled and nodded. Before letting her walk inside.

More people showed up and I met Devyn, Xepher, Griffin, Kevin, Reggie, Aryia, Cassie.

They were cool. Devyn, Xepher, and Cassie were so sweet. Kevin, Griffin, Aryia, and Reggie were very funny. I learned that Reggie and Jake were brothers.

Colby's POV

I wonder what rhyme meant by good to know.

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