6.) rude awakening

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Rhyme's POV

It's been a few weeks since I met the boys we've hung out almost every day. I'm surprised at how close I am with them.

I was up late last night writing songs and finishing the one I recorded with Colby so needless to say I was exhausted I had fallen asleep around 3 in the morning. So I was happy to finally be getting sleep. But it was cut short by two boys jumping on my bed. At first, I thought it was Coda and a friend but these boys were way too heavy to be 13-year-old boys. I open my eyes to see Jake and Corey smiling down at me.

"Was that necessary? Like you couldn't have just "hey Rhyme wake up"?" I ask the two boys

"Nope" Jake said

"Absolutely not," Corey said.

"This was the only way," Jake added

"ok well go away I'm obviously asleep," I said laying back down.

But nope they had other ideas. Jake ripped my blanket off of my body while Corey threw me over his shoulder.

"Wow, you're light," Corey said

He took me downstairs past the kitchen where my mom stood.

"Bye Rhyme have fun." She said as she knew the boys were coming to get me.

"Mom this is kidnapping!" I yelled.

"They have my permission!" She yelled back as we were out the door.

I had stopped fighting back. And let Corey carry me to their house.

"I can walk myself you know."

"Nope, you'd probably run back home," Jake said

We walk through the doors and we walk past the kitchen where Sam was.

"Rhyme?" He asked confused

"Hey, Sam. Could you do me a favor and call the cops I've been kidnapped by two PSYCHOPATHS!" I say with sarcasm.

We get to the couch where Colby was sitting. Corey placed me on the couch and I sat up fixing my hair. I looked over at Colby and he had the most confused face.

"I don't even know man. One second I was peacefully asleep in my room. The next I'm being kidnapped and I appear here." I say.

"They woke you up?" Colby asked as he glared at the two boys


"Rhyme. It's eleven you're usually awake by now." Colby said.

"I know I was up till three am last night writing." I paused as I remember I didn't run this morning. "Shit," I say under my breath

"What?" Jake asked.

"You guys didn't even consider if I had things to do," I say

"Well do you?" Corey asked.

"Yeah, my morning run. I'm gonna head home to get changed I'll be back in an hour tops." I say getting up before they grab my wrist.

"Take a break. You run every morning. Rhy breaks are good." Colby said

"No, because it's gonna ruin the flow," I say

"Come one Rhy," Jake said

"Fine," I say.

I'm gonna regret this

"You run?" Sam asked

"Every morning I get," I say

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