14.) love bites

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Rhyme's pov

I quietly got out of bed and tiptoed out of the room. My emotions were running wild, I had a stupid smile on my face that never faded. I was completely and utterly in love with Colby.

I love him.

And I needed to tell him. But first I needed to tell Sam what just happened.

Sam was downstairs in the kitchen with Jake and Corey.

"Hey Sam, can we talk?" I ask

"Yeah, movie room?" He said pointing to the direction the room was in.

We walk into the room and I turn to him.

"You seem awfully happy. What happened?" He joke.

"I kissed him." I blurted out.

"What?! Kissed who?" He asked

"Colby I kissed him. And- he kissed me back. It was... kinda sad now that I think about it." I say frowning

"Sad? Why."

"I made a video, about Lyric you can watch it later. But I was crying and he was crying, and then we just looked at each other and I went for it. And it was good. I mean I didn't expect him to be such a good kisser." I said tracing my lips as I remember the feeling.

"I'm happy for you Rhyme but a big question stands here." He said hugging me. "Do you love him?" He asked

"Yes. I love him I always have but, I realized I'm in love with him. He makes me so happy Sam, I've never felt this way before." I said

"How are you going to tell him?" He asked

"I don't know. I could just say it you know." I simply say

"Or, you could, I don't know, write him a song?" He asked more than said

"Write him a song? Would he like that?"

"Rhyme he doesn't shut up about your singing. He absolutely adores your voice, write him a song, sing it to him, he'll love it. I promise."

"Alright. Shit, this is gonna be hard."

"Just express your love." He said extending the o.

I laugh. "Thanks, Sam. I really appreciate you." I said giving him a hug.

"You're welcome, baby sis." He jokes

We both exit the movie room and I head back upstairs I feel like every time I leave the room Colby wakes up.

"Hi." He said shyly.

"Hey," I say getting into bed with him

"Where'd you go? I woke up and you weren't there." He fakes a pout.

"I was talking to Sam, you big baby." I curl into his chest

He kissed my forehead. "I figured. What are you doing today?" He asked

"I don't have anything else planned," I say.

"Do you wanna go to eat or something?" He asked

"You said that so nervously." I chuckle "are you asking me on a date?" I ask

"I don't know I wanna take you somewhere." He said.

"Take me somewhere?" I ask.

"Yeah I mean it doesn't have to be a date." He said

"If you want to ask me on a date, ask me." I laugh.

"Ok fine," He sat up. "Rhyme, will you go on a date with me?" He asked

"Of course baby," I said giving him a short but sweet kiss.

"I will never get used to that." He smiled.

"It feels good to kiss you whenever I want." I laugh.

"Want more?" He smirked

"Yeah." I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me.

He pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me. I could feel his hand trailing over my body. It traveled to the side of my neck, the feeling of his hand gave me goosebumps. He pushed his body closer to mine, and I accidentally let out a moan. That didn't seem to bother him. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer. He let out a low groan. His lips left mine and traveled downwards towards my neck.

I thought he was going to kiss me but when his lips attached to my neck he looked for my sweet spot. When I moaned from the feeling of him finding it, he smirked and reattached his lips to the spot leaving a love bite. He pulled away and blew cold air on the spot.

"Fuck." I said

"It looks cute on you." He said admiring his work as he trailed his fingers across the hickey he left on my neck.

"Seriously. You put it in the most obvious spot." I laugh.

"Good. I should give you more." He smirked

"No, not good, My mom is going to kill me."

"Come here let's go look at it." He smiled pulling me off the bed and towards his body mirror completely ignoring the fact that my mom is gonna know it was him.

I stood in front of it looking at the hickey he'd left. When he then snaked his arms around my waist, again kissing the spot, I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"You should go home, get ready and I'll pick you up in about two hours, dress casual, make sure you wear good shoes, something you don't mind getting dirty or torn."

"You're a tease, Brock," I say walking towards the door.

"You love it." He said

"Don't go thinking you're getting lucky tonight with that attitude," I say closing his door.

"So you're saying there's a chance that I might?!" He yelled through the door, I shake my head and leave to my house to get ready.

Date: sep.15.20
I feel weird. I feel like I wrote a whole smut scene when all he did was give her a hickey.🤭 if y'all want smut lmk and I'll think about writing some. DON'T GET EXCITED I'LL PROBABLY FEEL WEIRD AND WON'T but I'll think about it

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