4.) their house

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Rhyme's POV

We walk into the double doors and I'm met with a staircase to my right. The boys all look out from an area I guess was the kitchen

"Is it our turn to do a house tour?" Jake asked excitedly.

"I guess so," I say

"Ok good Because I wanna do it. I'm way cooler than these losers."

"That's so not true," Corey said

"Yea we're cool." Said, Sam

"No, I was just talking about me and Jake. Sam and Colby are lame." Said Corey.

"Hey!" Colby said

"Well let Rhyme decide." Said Jake

They all look at me as if I was going to answer right away.

"Don't look at me. I just met you four. I barely know anything about you."

"Hey wait we spend over five hours together and you think you barely know me. I'm offended." Colby said

"Yeah. I know you more than the others but it's not fair if I say you're cooler just because I haven't had the time to get to know them yet. You never know Corey could be like my soulmate and we wouldn't know because I barely know him."

"So you're saying you could be in love with Corey?" Jake asked.

"Oh my god, Jake. It was a hypothetical. Plus we could be platonic soulmates."

"What?" Sam asked

"Platonic soulmates. Soulmates that aren't romantically interested in each other."

"Like Sam and Colby," Corey said

"Dude you're so right. Sam and Colby are like the ultimate best friends they could be soulmates." Said Jake

"Platonic. Don't forget platonic. We don't need people thinking we're in love. The fans already think we're closeted." Colby said

"Aren't we brother?" Sam asked fake hurt.

"Of course brother. We just can't let them know that." Colby whispered loud enough for us to hear.

We all brake out into laughed when Jake interrupted is and started to show me around the house.

"And this is my room." We walked in to reveal the red-themed room showing all of jakes games.

"This is a lot like Coda's game room. Aside from the color but all of the retro games and stuff."

"Little bro got taste."

"Okay, my turn," Corey said bursting through the door.

He takes me to his room and the first thing I notice is his wall with shoes. They were all really expensive.

"I see you're a sneakerhead."

"Oh hell yea. I always gotta keep the feet looking fresh."

We walk out and I see Sam eagerly waiting for me so he could show me his room.

He takes me up the stairs where there are three doors. One single door and double doors. He leads me through the single door. I met with a small room that looks like a study or office. We turn the corner and his room is a blue color with designs on the wall there's one wall that's painted black with chalk on it. He has a circle bed in the middle of the room.

He finishes showing me his room and we walk out. One of the double doors opens and Colby walks out.

"Ahh, I see my room is next."

"Sure is bud," Sam said

Sam walks down the stairs and I look back up to Colby.

"Shall we?" He asks holding his hand out for me to take.

"I guess we shall," I say placing my hand in his.

He reopens the door and leads me in. Everyone's room was big but Colby's had to be the biggest. I'm guessing the master bedroom.

His room was very simple. Everyone else had a theme or something interesting. Colbys was plain. Dark themes I guess.

"They kinda stole you from me earlier." He said

"What do you mean."

"Jake. I was gonna give you the tour but Jake did it instead."


He seemed jealous but I wasn't going to say anything about it.

"Your room is plain."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. It almost calming. Everyone's room was so busy. Yours isn't. I could see myself just relaxing in here.

"Woah there. You're imagining yourself in my room." He said as a joke.

"Of course I am. I'm gonna be over a lot if we're gonna be friends." I pause "we are going to be friends? Right?"

"Oh yeah. The bestest."

"May I?" I ask pointing to the couch.

"Of course."

We sit on the couch. And start-up random conversation. Talking about nothing in particular. Until we started talking about life.

"That was the hardest time of my life. Lyric was my best friend the day she died was the day I lost a little of myself. I didn't want to do anything after that. I didn't want to write. I didn't want to sing I didn't want to hang out with my friends. I didn't want to be with family I didn't want to leave my room. I didn't want to live. But I knew I had to, for Lyric, for my mom, and for Coda. I started to live my life like normal day by day. The only thing I hadn't done since she passed, was write songs. Lyric was the soul of my inspiration she always gave me the best ideas for songs. I didn't start writing again until April first."

"That was the day we moved in," Colby said

"I know."

Date: aug.16.20
I was supposed to update yesterday and I completely forgot I'm sorry. But enjoy

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