9.) im here

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Rhyme's POV

It made me mad to hear how this girl made Colby feel. How she treated him.

He treated her with respect and love. He got nothing in return but a broken heart. Watching him break down broke my heart. I couldn't do anything but hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

When I promised Colby I would never let another girl treat him that way I meant it and I intend to keep that promise. He deserves a girl who's gonna love him and be there for him. Who understands what he's feeling with just one glance to his face.

We lied there for what felt like hours. He eventually fell asleep holding onto me as if I was about to slip away and leave him.

I couldn't do that. Leave him, I mean. Even if I wanted to I don't think I could bring myself to ever leave him in the state he was in. He looked so fragile. Like one wrong move and he was going to break into a million pieces.

I still couldn't fathom how anyone could treat him like that. Break him and just be okay with that.

I kept rubbing his back or head. Every once and awhile I would place a kiss on his temple, he would shift and hold me tighter.

As he was sleeping he looked peaceful for the first time in the past hour. He lied there probably dreaming. He was calm. While my mind was running in circles. I was mad, furious even. I wanted to scream at the female who broke his heart. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. But I knew I had to be there for Colby.

He shifted from the position he was in and turned to his side freeing me from his grip. Although I didn't want him to, I decided not to wake him up just so we could cuddle and let him rest.

I got up and out of the bed. I walked towards the door and once I exited the room I broke down. I don't know why but seeing Colby so sad I knew I had to be strong for him so I kept my composure. Once I was out of his room my once Steele composure came crashing down. I didn't know what to do so I turned to my right and knocked on Sams door.

"Come in," Sam said

I walk through the door to see Sam at his computer in his study. He sees my face and stands up immediately

"Rhyme are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks as he hugs me.

"How could anyone treat him like that?" I ask

"Who rhyme?"

"He doesn't deserve that."

"Who are you talking about rhyme?"

"Colby." I look at Sam.

"He told you about his ex?" He ask

"Yeah. I'm mad Sam. Like I don't know what to do. I want to break something but then again I just want to lay in bed with him and make sure he's okay." I say

"He is okay rhyme he's happy." He said unaware of his best friends feelings.

"No, he's not Sam. He just cried for the past 2 hours. He's been asleep for 30. He's far from okay." I say

"What do you mean?" He ask worried

"After he told me I told him my opinion on how what she did was unfair to him. That it was unhealthy. I mean he let her drown him in her problems but he couldn't vent just a little bit to her. She didn't love him like he loved her. And that's unfair. After I told him he just started to cry. I mean he broke down Sam it broke my heart to see him like that." I say.

I'm literally sobbing my eyes out. Not knowing what to do about my broken best friend.

"I know rhyme. He'll be okay though rhyme. You both will." Sam said hugging me trying to calm me down as much as he can.

I pull away and thank Sam as he gives me a sympathetic smile. I walk out of sams room and back into Colby's

Colby is sitting up with his head in his hands crying. He looks up and relief washed over his face.

"What's wrong?" I rush to his side.

"I- I thought you l-left."

"No, I'm right here. Okay, I'm here I'm not leaving." I say hugging him again

"I'm sorry. I'm putting all of this on you."

"No. Colby that's what I'm here for okay. I'm here for you always." I say

He pulls away from me and assess my face.

"Were you crying?" He asks

I wipe my face. "Yes. But I'm fine okay."

"Why? Is it because of me? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I never want to make you feel like that."

"No Colby it's not your fault okay," I say

He wipes his face. "God I'm so tired rhyme."

"Do you want to go back to sleep." He nods.

I get up to let him rest but he grabs my wrist.

"Please don't leave me. Please stay." He begs.

"Oh. Okay, I'm here. Do you want me to stay the night?" I ask

"Please." I nod and get into the bed under the sheets with him.

He got under with me and instantly pulled into him. It hurt to see him so vulnerable. If I were his ex I probably would've used that against him in someway told him he was weak.

Colby is far from weak. Although he isn't okay he's not weak. I'm sitting here and I realize I don't want him to have just any girl.

It would hurt me if I saw him with another girl. Of course, I want him to be happy but...

I want him to be happy with me.

I want to be that girl.

I've never felt so sure about a boy like I do with Colby.

I'm going to be there for him every step of the way. If he finds a girl that makes him happy I will push through the pain and be happy for him when deep down I know that I'll wish it was me. All I ever want for him is happiness.

"Thank you." He said to me.

"No need. I'll always be here for you. I promise."

He drifted off to sleep.

"I think I'm falling in love with you," I say out loud even though I know he can't hear me.

I kiss his cheek and drift off with him.

Date: aug.28.20
I love this chapter I love how they're making so much progress :))))

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