15.) date night

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Rhyme's POV

I sat on my bed wearing skinny dark washed jeans with a red cropped hoodie and my white slip on vans I've had since high school, I opted for wearing no jewelry.

I was waiting for Colby to text me so I could head downstairs to meet him.

I was bouncing around in my seat having a bit of anxiety. When my mom had walked in to talk.

"Hey, momma," I said

"Well don't you look pretty. Where you off too?" She asked

"Colby asked me out on a date," I say grinning.

"Is he the same one who left that?" She asked pointing to her neck mirroring the side the hickey was on mine.

I sheepishly pulled my hoodie over that side of my neck and diverted eye contact, I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. I never really knew my mother's thoughts on me having a relationship. I mean I was twenty years old she couldn't keep me from having one.

"Rhyme, it's okay. I was a teenager once too you know. And doing much worse than you. I was nineteen when I got pregnant with you and Lyric. I'm just glad you're not. You aren't pregnant, are you?" She asked

"Oh god, no mom. I haven't done anything." I say

"At all?"

"Not with him. Mom Sage was my first. But I honestly wish he wasn't."

"Would you rather it be Colby?" She asked

"I wouldn't mind. I mean I know that Colby likes me for me. I know if he was my first he would treat me with love and care, I know he would be gentle." I say.

"You love him, don't you?" She asked

"I do. He's so much more than anyone I've ever been with. We just get each other. He understands me."

"I can tell he loves you. And I certainly like him, I think he's a sweetheart, I love how well he gets along with Coda." She smiles

I think back to the time Colby was over at my house playing Mortal Kombat with Coda.

I was sitting on the couch between the two boys. Colby to my right, Coda to my left.

"Shit shit shit," Colby said pressing the buttons on the controller.

Coda laughs as the announcer spoke from the screen

"Finish him."

Coda has his favorite character's trick shots memorized so he goes for one and destroys Colby's character in a matter of seconds Colby then groans and Coda jumps up from his spot shouting.

"TAKE THAT YOU LOSER AHA!" He clenched his fist at his sides and screams at the ceiling. "I WON!"

Colby gets irritated and runs up to Coda throwing him over his shoulders.

"Oh yeah well let's see who wins in a real combat!" Colby shouts running out of the room.

I follow in suit and watch as he runs into Coda's room throwing him on the bed. I laugh as I watch the two throw punches at each other Colby being soft and Coda's not so much.

I worry just a bit knowing Coda's blows we're going to leave light bruises on Colby and I debate telling him to tone it down. But I don't as my mom walks in.

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