Not edited. Please forgive me if I made any grammatical mistake or spelling mistakes

I got up and saw no one sleeping beside me. I was confused. Where is Jack? I checked the washroom, kitchen and living room but he was no where to be found. It was still early for his office hours and from what I remember he doesn't have a meeting today.

I then called him and his phone rang from upstairs.

Conclusion: He forgot his phone on one of the side tables.

"Where is he?! He never leaves his phone" I whispered to myself asking for an explanation for the sudden disappearance of Jack.

I freshen up so that my sleepiness goes away completely and I could think of a reason.

The moment I stepped outside the room, a bell rang indicating someone came inside. I hurriedly went downstairs.

It was Jack.

"Where in the world were you this early in the morning?" "Are you okay?" "Why did you forget your phone?" I showered him with many more question's that was building inside me for few mins.

He was clearly bewildered and confused of what question he should answer first.

"I umm went for a-a jog" He at last started to answer. "In jeans?" Curiosity got the best of me.  "Um yeah. This jeans is comfortable " he aswered a little nervous. "You could have at least told me" I said. "I am hungry get me some food" He said ignoring my previous statement and clearly trying to change the topic. "Why are you changing the topic?" I said with pouty lips. "Cuz I am actually hungry" He said while going towards the kitchen.

"You aren't even sweating. Did you actually jog or had a meeting with an unknow friend?" I just spoke what i thought. He wasn't sweating but my sentence somehow made him sweaty. "And now you are sweating wow" I said. "Um i-its hot in here" he replied. "In winters?" I asked . "Get me the food first please. I will answer all your questions afterward " he said.

I went and made some bread toast and egg. We both were done eating when Jen came out of her room all dressed up in uniform. She sat and had her breakfast while Jack went and started to change in formal office attire.

I told them both about me at last getting a client and Jen even gave me some ideas which were great. Though Jack was mostly ignoring my presence and what i was talking about but I thought he may be stressed because of work so I didn't indulge in his business.

Only an hour was left and as Mr kyun's house(client) is an hour away so I packed my things and drove towards his house.

At his house I greeted Mr Kyun. We settled down and I explained him all my plans. He did some changes , I told him more creative ideas and almost two hours passed. I wouldn't say that Mr Kyun was cooperative though. He was always disturbing me and giving me hard time to even explain him. I had to go through the whole plan three times just to give him a rough idea.

And before did I forget to mention this? He gave me some extra work. He said that his son promised him to bring a wife with him. So he wanted to have an extra room designed for that wifes sister.

So conclusion: i had to waste my 3 hours more to explain him the extra room's design.

After giving me a hard time he was happy with the design and told me that the work should start from tomorrow.  And when I said told, I mean ordered.
This cranky old people.

I guess I know why his son left him. I pity the wife though. A big good luck to her.

I finished my work at Kyun's house for today. I went to a restaurant and called Jimin but his phone was switched off. I guess he is in a meeting. Then I called some people who will help me in project Kyun's son and sister in law rooms.

I ordered my lunch. After eating all alone and lonely I went for a little shopping for Mr Kyun's house.

I found many furnitures some were  antique some where mordern and someone were fusions. I mostly took the fusions for Mr Kyun's son's room and modern for his sister in laws room.

While shopping hours felt like mins. In a glimpse it was 7p.m. I didn't wanted to leave cuz this was actually so fun. Choosing furnitures, some are unique some are very well used.

It took me one hour and half to reach at home beacuse of heavy traffic.

Jen was already home.( I saw her shoes). I bought dinner on my way home too. I called out Jen once or twice but she didn't answer. The feeling that came to me yesterday night returned. I ran/sprinted towards her room and saw that she had earphones plugged in her ears and to be really honest the music was so loud that I could hear it. Though it was very faint for me and I couldn't make out the words or song name but I still could hear it.

I went towards her and took her earphones out of her ears.
"Jen I have called you two time already. And don't just put mysic so loud with earphones on. You will go deaf." I said."ahh its okay I won't. Btw why were you calling?" She asked. "Come have dinner" i said."okay lets go" She replied standing up from her bed.

We ate while watching some drama. I went and washed the dishes when Jack came. I asked him why he was late but he was ignoring me again like he found something fishy about me and he is just waiting for his doubts to be cleared out. But I have nothing to hide. Right?.

I tried to interact with him but he made excuse such as he is hungry or tired. I shrugged it off this time thinking it wasn't a good time to ask him and just let him sleep peacefully.

I was on my bed trying to sleep when my phone buzzed. Jimin dropped a msg, that was written in the notification. I opened his text

Sorry buns i couldn't pick up your call or called you back. Was in a meeting and then my boss gave me hella work cuz the meeting didn't went as he thought it would go.

Its okay. Call me when you are free and don't overwork.


Goodnight pup 😴💕

Goodnight buns. Sleep well😘

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